Tobacco essay
Smoking Cessation Products. Works Cited No author. Tobacco essay stated that clinicians, researchers, policy makers and others who work in the area of addiction, with addicts or who have to deal with the consequences of addiction, cannot easily ignore the strong ethical dimension to the problem. The fiscal benefits realized by governments are another factor promoting the security of this industry far into the future. Public Health Job Description Tobacco essay Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : People like the effects of nicotine and get used to them making them to desires it more, tobacco essay, smokers think tobacco help them to reduce stress, tobacco essay, anxiety and controlling their….
The Harmful Effects Of Tobacco Cigarettes
This Tobacco Essay example is published for educational and informational purposes only. If you need tobacco essay custom essay or research paper on this topic, please use our writing services. com offers reliable custom essay writing services that can help you to receive high grades and impress your professors with the quality of each essay or research paper you hand in. Tobacco is indigenous to the Americas and was unknown to Europeans until the late 16th century. Its use among Native American peoples was widespread by this time; it was consumed largely for medicinal and religious purposes.
Successfully grown by tobacco essay settlers and exported to Europe, the plant Nicotian a spp. became a crucial crop for the pre-revolutionary American colonies, which relied heavily on slave labor in cultivation and processing. Today, tobacco essay, tobacco is grown in more than countries and most tobacco is used for smoking. Tobacco is an essential ingredient for cigarettes, tobacco essay, pipes, cigars, hand-rolling tobacco, bidis, and kretek cigarettes. Cigarettes account for the largest share of manufactured tobacco products in the world percent of total sales. Except for chewing tobacco in India, and possibly kreteks in Indonesia, cigarettes are the most common method of consuming tobacco. According to data provided by the World Health Organization WHOworldwide over 15 billion cigarettes are smoked every day.
The global tobacco industry is dominated by three large multinationals: Altria Group formerly Philip Morris based in the United States, Japan Tobacco, which is government-owned and controls 75 percent of the Japanese market, and British American Tobacco BAT based in the United Kingdom. Smoking has been linked to many types of cancer by medical research institutions. For years, the tobacco industry presented studies of its own in attempts to counter growing scientific knowledge about the additives and adverse health effects of cigarettes. Efforts to curtail tobacco use have increased throughout the world as many countries continue to tax tobacco heavily and restrict its use in public facilities. Employment in the tobacco essay industry has been declining in developed countries as a result of the introduction of new technologies and national and international tobacco control policies, tobacco essay.
In developing countries, tobacco essay, on the other hand, tobacco consumption and employment in the tobacco industry have been on the rise, tobacco essay. In some developed countries, consumers spend more on tobacco than they do on alcoholic beverages; however, the popularity of smoking is in decline. The main factors driving the long-term decline include: Concerns relating tobacco essay the impact of smoking on health, the increasing view that smoking is an anti-social habit, growing restrictions governing where individuals can smoke and how companies can market their products, and the rising cost of legally bought tobacco.
Consumers are increasingly turning to economy brands and smuggled tobacco-contraband products and those legally bought abroad account for 31 percent of sales-in response to taxation increases. Cigarettes are a legal, but controversial product, tobacco essay. Several Western European countries have increased taxes on cigarettes far more aggressively than the United States to discourage smoking, tobacco essay, and they have imposed greater restrictions on cigarette advertising, but have been less aggressive in prohibiting smoking from workplaces and restaurants. Only in the United States has litigation against tobacco companies become an important feature of national tobacco control efforts.
The U. Department of Justice is pursuing a case against the industry, citing 50 years of evidence it claims points to a cover-up of the health risks associated with smoking. Smokers stricken with cancer and other smoking-related health problems have also tried to pool their complaints together in large class-action lawsuits. Often, the courts frown upon such tactics; however, individuals have fared much better, tobacco essay, but face lengthy appeals from the tobacco giants. However, the U. Since latewhen cigarette manufacturers raised prices sharply as a consequence of the Master Settlement Agreement MSAdeep-discount cigarette producers saw their market share increase from about two percent into over 13 percent inwith about a 45 percent price discount to premium brands.
Increasing cigarette prices also encouraged purchase of cigarettes over the internet, sacrificing convenience for cost savings. Federal lawmakers contended that these internet stores were clear tax evasions: The Jenkins Act requires that tobacco essay the retailer and consumer report online purchases to aid in tax collection. State governments aware of the loss in tax revenue, and retailers feeling the competition, have pushed for stricter regulation and greater enforcement. market is dominated by four main manufacturers known as Big Tobacco: Altria Group, which sells approximately half of the nearly billion cigarettes sold in the United States, tobacco essay, Reynolds American Inc.
The major tobacco companies have signed licensing agreements with Chinese partners to distribute their brands in the Chinese market. A country with a largely restricted market and laws against tobacco tobacco essay, China still has million smokers and four times the consumption rate of the number two world market, the United States, and is just about the only major international market that is growing. Tobacco contributes a tenth of all tax revenues in China. Despite the health problems, tobacco essay, lawsuits, and rising prices associated with cigarettes, tobacco companies still make profits.
Altria Group, the U, tobacco essay. and global tobacco tobacco essay, grew revenues by 17 percent in as economies in the United States and abroad grew. BAT, number two in the world, also held its own with about 15 percent growth in sales. Tobacco manufacturers are increasingly focusing activities tobacco essay developing countries, which tend to have less stringent health and advertising regulations, tobacco essay, and where the potential for brand development remains significant. Essay Examples. Environment Essay Examples. ORDER HIGH QUALITY CUSTOM PAPER Always on-time.
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Sidestream smoke carries these carcinogens into the air Sussman According to scientific studies tobacco smoke contains four thousand chemicals, and at least sixty are known to cause cancer. Carbon monoxide is the main gas in cigarette smoke. Researchers studied 1, women of which developed lung cancer. Women married to smokers were thirty percent more likely to develop lung cancer than those married to non-smokers LeMaistre 1. According to the Environmental Protection Agency a thirty percent risk is only a small relative risk. The Environmental Protection Agency released its report stating that environmental tobacco smoke is a human lung carcinogen, responsible for approximately three thousand lung cancer deaths annually in American non-smokers. Book Reports. Hi there, would you like to get such an essay?
How about receiving a customized one? Check it out goo. Home Page Industry Tobacco Industry Tobacco Essay. Tobacco Essay. Related Essays. Tobacco In Malaysia Essay Words 5 Pages. How Secondhand Smoking Affects Essay Words 2 Pages. Make Tobacco Illegal and Legalize Marijuana Essay Words 2 Pages. SURGEON GENERALS WARNING: Environmental Tobacco Smoke Causes Lung Canc Essay Words 8 Pages. Tobacco Use and Lung Cancer Essay Words 10 Pages. Research Paper on Chewing Tobacco Essay Words 3 Pages. Cigarette Smoking Essay Words 3 Pages. ACS: Americans Subject to Less Second-hand Smoke. Healthy People provides nationwide objectives for 10 years that are based on science with the objective of enhancing the health of all Americans nationwide and abroad.
For the past 30 years, Healthy People has established standards and monitored advancement in the course of time so as to measure the influence of prevention activities, empower individuals towards undertaken knowledgeable and well-versed health decisions, and encouraging partnerships across communities and dissimilar sectors. Notably, Healthy People purposes to enhance the health of the nation with the main vision of attaining a society in which all individuals live lengthy and healthy lives Healthy People, The following is a small budget of a proposed program that will delineate expenses, the manner in which it will funded, the suitability of the choice of funding and why the program is essential on the basis of an objective from Healthy People The effects of Tobacco….
References Healthy People. About Healthy People. Tobacco Use. Preventing Tobacco Use Among Youth and Young Adults Fact Sheet. Thus, tobacco advertisements tend to show these vulnerable and observational children and young adults that smoking is associated with their favorite athletes. This may make them more eager to try smoking. Yet still, the LPGA included a tobacco company within their arsenal of sponsorships. In order to determine if this was a good move, and potentially be a source of removing the sponsor from the list, they condoned a study of their audience's opinion.
The results showed overall that the audience did support tobacco sponsorship, despite its unhealthy connotations. There are several elements which the author failed to provide that could have given a clear explanation for the final result. Yes, its a common association between cigarettes and more health, but many fans of the specific sport may also be smokers. Sports, in large part, are adored by older adults, thus there is a larger market for more responsible adults…. References Danylchuk, Karen E. Tobacco sponsorship: spectator perceptions at an LGPA event. Sport Marketing Quarterly.
Was it ethical for the tobacco industry to continue to market cigarettes, even after evidence emerged that smoking caused lung cancer and other illnesses? Purely from a rule utilitarian and personal rights perspective, it is difficult to justify so-called vice legislation, because governmental paternalism conflicts with individual freedoms of adults to make choices for themselves. From a more general functional utilitarianism perspective and general principles of justice in society, certain personal vices require legislation, simply because even their personal use harms society as a whole Taylor, For example, tobacco use in public is a direct threat to the health and welfare of others, by virtue of exposure to second-hand smoke.
Even more importantly, the aggregate cost in medical expenses ultimately borne by public health systems and insurers depletes public resources. Ethically, there is no justification for manufacturing a product known to cause as much harm and human suffering…. References FreePatentsOnline Website. Patent No. html Lehrer, J. html The New York Times a Worrisome Tobacco Deal; Jun. American Tobacco Co. Tobacco At first glance, many would agree that there is little reason to keep the tobacco industry afloat. The glaring health concerns and ethically questionable political actions of this industry have vilified its members in the eyes of countless global citizens. However, upon objective examination of the relevant data one finds this industry to be startlingly lucrative.
Accordingly, the global production of tobacco continues to be a leading commodity in the globalized market. The fiscal benefits realized by governments are another factor promoting the security of this industry far into the future. What is more, knowing the high volume of production in this industry, there are certainly quite a few jobs at stake. When considering the relatively inelastic demand for tobacco products, this industry is one of the rare arenas that is presumably capable of offering its employees genuine job security. Thus, bearing in mind the uncertainty present in…. Bibliography Action on Smoking and Health. Tobacco: Global Trends.
Australia Bureau of Statistics. Household Final Consumption HFCE Australia. Collins, David J. And Helen M. National Drug Strategy. An Analysis of the Significance of Sales of Cigarettes and Tobacco Products to Tobacco Retailers in Australia. Because the tobacco industry sells a product that kills one million people in India annually, therefore, industry's interests will always be in conflict with public health. It is high time that national tobacco control policies in India are congruent to what India is obligated to do by ratifying the international global tobacco treaty - HO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control HO FCTC.
Particularly, the AFTC has reported on evidence that current health warning policies lack effectiveness. This has underscored the push for pictorial warnings depicting the mouths of tobacco users who have developed cancer. CNS, 1 This is an important consideration as it helps to delineate an appropriate intervention strategy within the print media. The AFTC is working based off of findings in other developing nations that demonstrate…. Works Cited: ANI. Cigarette Ads Can Fuel Teens' Smoking Desires The Times of India. Arori, M. Associations Between Tobacco Marketing and Use Among Urban Youth in India. American Journal of Health Behavior, 32 2 , Bansal, R. Cigarette Advertising in Mumbai, India: Targeting Different Socioeconomic Group, Women, and Youth.
Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education, 14, Braun, S. Tobacco Industry Targeting Youth in Argentina. Tobacco Control, 17, Environmental Tobacco and Asthma Does environmental tobacco smoke increase the risk of asthma in children? Smoking is observed as a common habit among uncountable number of people belonging to various countries of the world. It is expected that the number of smokers will rise in the near future because of attractive marketing campaigns run by tobacco companies. There was a time when only men were habitual to smoking. In the modern 21st century, youngsters and girls are also exposed to the thrills of smoking.
People love to smoke despite knowing about its detrimental effects. It is interesting to mention that smoking kills not only the smokers but also the ones who hate it. It is an interesting study that non-smokers are subject to all harmful effects of smoking just because they are present in the environment where people smoke. There is significant relationship between passive smoking and disease and mortality…. Bibliography Austin, J. Deprivation, smoking, and quality of life in asthma. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 9 3 , Cheraghi, M. Environmental tobacco smoke ETS and respiratory health in children. European Journal of Pediatrics, 8 , Chilmonczyk, B. Haddow, J. Association between Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Exacerbations of Asthma in Children.
The New England Journal of Medicine, n. DiFranza, J. Prenatal and Postnatal Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure and Children's Health. Official Journal of American Academy of Pediatrics n. The different practices studied varied a lot in how often and how intensely they participated in anti-tobacco activities with patients. The conclusions drawn by the authors of this article were that there are not enough tobacco control activities taking place among physicians. Those that are addressing tobacco with patients need to increase the intensity and frequency with which they do so. Those that are not addressing tobacco with patients need to begin to do so.
Each practice should be individually evaluated to determine what changes need to be made to the tobacco use prevention policies and how to implement these changes most effectively. Physicians need to abandon the one-size-fits-all approach and actually individualize intervention methods for each patient and each specific situation. Simply handing out promotional literature on smoking will not be effective enough and a more complete approach must be planned. While the conclusions drawn by the authors of…. Bibliography Backer, E. Current trends in tobacco prevention and cessation in Nebraska physicians' office. Journal of Family Practice, 44, Sample Questionnaire: The Topic Company: DN.
Interviewed: Questionnaire: 1 Does the organization treat management and leadership as one in the same? YES or NO 2 Does the organization rely heavily on employee training and development? YES or NO 3 Does the program use employee feedback at the lowest levels in its overall decision making process? YES or NO 4 Do you believe all stakeholders are aware of the organizations goals and objectives and are willing to work towards the achievement of those goals? YES or NO 5 in your opinion is the organization structured in a way that inhibits innovation? YES or NO 6 Are there any other aspects that you believe should be improved within the organization?
If so, how? eferences: 1 Bulmer, M. And Warwick, D. Social research in developing countries: surveys and censuses in the Third World. London: outledge. Evaluation of projects…. References: 1 Bulmer, M. London: Routledge. Evaluation of projects in the developing world: some cultural and methodological issues. International Journal of Educational Development, 18, pp. Program Evaluation. Terre Blanche, K. Painter Eds. Cape Town: UCT Press. Third world countries are more likely to rely more heavily upon excise taxes on gasoline, tobacco, and alcohol because those are products that sell very well around the world. These are also products that are in a number of cases, particularly tobacco, that are cheaper than essential items such as water or food.
Taxes on tobacco help poor countries who would rely on the taxes more wealthy and more reliant upon tobacco. People in lower and middle income countries are more likely to react to taxation on tobacco because for the consumers of that product in those countries, they will have less income for food and shelter for example. People in wealthier countries can afford the increase; they may hardly notice the increase and if it bothers them on principle, for example, they can afford other alternatives just as easily.
Whether or not a government uses consumptive…. References: Berlinger, Joshua. Stolberg, Sheryl Gay. html , provide funds for staff development on drug use and alcohol use by school-age children. Still, SHIPPS reports that An article in the Journal of School Health Summerlin-Long, details "tobacco-free school" TFS policies; the article references "positive reports" from "key informants" in 46 school districts in North Carolina that had passed TFS policies between December and August This article is particularly pertinent because of…. Teenagers abusing cough syrup.
Brooks, Ashley, Gaier Larkin, Elizabeth M. Cigars, Cigarettes, and Adolescents. American Journal of Health Behavior, 32 6 , Bryant, Alison L. How Academic Achievement, Attitudes, and Behaviors Relate. Healthy People and Tobacco Use The Healthy People initiative provides a set of goals to improve the health of American citizens. The science-based goals set out ten-year targets to be achieved by across a wide range of health issues. One health issue included in the initiative is tobacco use with a target to reduced tobacco use to a "point that it is no longer a public health problem" DHHS, Over the last forty years there ahs been a wealth of research examining the health impacts associated with the use of tobacco, with tobacco use being cited as being the single most preventable cause of death in the United States DHHS, Tobacco has a negative impact on those who smoke as well as those who do not smoke but are exposed to the second hand smoke.
The health problems associated with tobacco use in cancer, heart…. Taxes on Alcohol and Tobacco: The alcohol industry is increasingly being considered for an increase in taxes in attempts to help in providing health care insurance to all people. As heath care insurance continues to be a major issue in the United States, policy makers are looking for effective measures to provide health insurance coverage for all. Furthermore, these policymakers are examining various ways to lessen expenses and increase taxes including increasing alcohol and tobacco tax to help cater for the expansion. The main reason for the proposed increase in taxes of alcohol and tobacco is that they are among the main contributors to the increasing medical costs.
With these proposals and measures, the…. References: Gravelle, J. Cigarette Taxes to Fund Health Care Reform: An Economic Analysis. Retrieved October 28, , from U. htm "Higher Taxes on Alcohol Being Considered. Promises Treatment Centers. Minmum words. The tobacco industry is one of the most successful businesses in the contemporary society. This happens in spite of the fact that individuals who smoke are very well-acquainted with the risks coming along with smoking the substance. What is even more concerning is that smoking is often adopted by certain individuals as a result of the fact that they believe that they are fashionable because they smoke.
Surely, freedom is one of the most important values that the social order benefits from and it would be absurd to deny someone the right to smoke as long as the respective individuals understands the risks and still wants to do it. However, considering that most people who start to smoke do it because they are searching for social acceptance or simply want to feel what it is like to smoke, it seems that the system needs to install more…. Bibliography: Pahl, Nadine, and Richter, Anne, "Does the Latest German Anti-Smoking Law Affect the Restaurant Behaviour of the Berlin People?
Enterprise systems development strategy BITISH AMEICAN TOBACCO British American Tobacco BAT is a leading tobacco company globally producing brands of cigarettes. However, Philip Morris International Inc. British American Tobacco operates in markets with more than billion cigarettes sold annually. The vision of the company…. References Annual Report, British American Tobacco Annual Report. London British American Tobacco Our History. British American Tobacco Plc. Dai, Y. Assuring the Information Quality of Production Planning and Control in Tobacco Industries. Cooperation and Promotion of Information Resources in Science and Technology: -- Eshlaghi, A.
Asadollahi, A. The Role of Enterprise Resources Planning ERP in the Contribution and Integration of the Information in the Supply Chain. European Journal of Social Sciences. Huang, C. Perceptions of the Impact of Chief Executive Leadership Style on Organization Performance through Successful Enterprises Resources Planning. Social Behavior and Personality. Typically the highest unemployment rates in these nations are in the most rural of areas, which are precisely the areas where tobacco tax-based dollars are most often investment.
The reliance on taxes from tobacco across the 24 nations profiled in Figure 2 also lead many of the tobacco farmers not just in these nations, but globally, to have a higher level of income stability per acre, and also generate higher income for small and medium farmers. These are critical aspects of the broader and longer-term economic strategies of third-world nations to ensure that their most transient and difficult-to-transfer workers stay in their field of experience, which is agriculture.
By incenting agricultural expertise in tobacco farmers, there is also a pronounced focus on how to increase profits per acre, thereby giving farmers and their families a chance to better themselves and also receive better healthcare and education in the process. The World Bank. Brussels , February US Census Bureau - U. Established in , the California Tobacco Control Program CTCP is one of America's oldest state tobacco control programs. As a longstanding program, CTCP is logically evaluated by "process evaluation" questions. To that end, CTCP embraced the core strategy of changing social norms California Department of Public Health, n. and long-term goals of: empowering statewide and local health agencies to promote health and quality of life by providing leadership and research in advocating social norms creating an environment that is tobacco free; stopping illegal tobacco sales….
Works Cited Anonymous. Common conceptual and methodological frameworks - Powerpoint presentation. Typical evaluation questions - Powerpoint presentation. California Department of Public Health. California Tobacco Control Program. Retrieved November 18, from www. aspx California Department of Public Health. About the California Tobacco Control Program. arketing Tobacco arketing: Get Them Young or Not at All The tobacco industry has been in a battle to capture the youth market for decades mainly because of the degree of brand loyalty that is characteristic of cigarette smokers. Cigarette companies have a lot at stake in making sure that their brand is one of the first tried by the young smoker. In its bid to obtain young smokers, R.
Reynolds created the Joe Camel campaign with a cool character that youths found highly appealing and the company created fierce advertising, promotional, and sales campaigns to take their message to market. The Joe Camel campaign proved to be one of the most successful bids to capture young smokers in tobacco history. Ultimately, its tremendous success was in part the reason for the campaign's eventual downfall, as public outcry demanded that cigarette companies stop marketing to adolescents and as courts gained…. Magazine Ads. htm Boyles, Salynn.
Tobacco Marketing To Young People, Young People: A Key Expansion Market. html British American Tobacco Company: Business Ethics The British American Tobacco company is a multinational company with over brands that they have developed under the guidance; the company is staggeringly successful, selling billion cigarettes in bat. The worldwide company sees itself, and many would argue, rightfully so, as a powerful forces that has stimulated economies all over the globe in lasting and measurable ways: in , the company's "subsidiaries enabled governments worldwide to gather more than £30 billion in duty, excise and sales taxes on our products, more than seven times the Group's profit after tax" bat.
Being a stimulus to the economy and a pillar of economic stability is something that company prides itself on: British American Tobacco has 44 factories in 39 countries, employing 55, people worldwide in a massive multicultural workforce bat. The company claims that it gives each local factory a tremendous amount of…. References Bat. Uk tobacco firm targets african youth. stm Irin. Nigeria: Govt hits tobacco companies with whopping law suit. Settlement of Tobacco During Clinton's Presidency: The first ever initiative by the United States to safeguard its children from tobacco and long-term addiction to nicotine occurred during the tenure of President Bill Clinton.
This was through the announcement by the president regarding a comprehensive program that was geared towards accomplishing this purpose in August 23, The comprehensive program commenced with the publication of the final rule on tobacco by the Food and Drug Administration. The publication was followed by the administration's launch of a process that required tobacco firms to educate children and adolescents regarding the hazards of smokeless tobacco and cigarettes through a nationwide multi-media campaign. According to the legislation, tobacco products were sold to people from 18 years and above with those under the age of 27 years required to produce photo IDs as from February 28, "Clinton Administration Outlines," As part of his outline,….
References: "Clinton Administration Outlines Tobacco Settlement Review Process. Health and Human Services Archive. Retrieved from U. html Reuters , August Clinton Seeks to Boost Tobacco Settlement. Ethics Computer Marketing obacco Dilemma After returning from Ohio on a road trip, some friends informed us that on the way back home while gassing up, they were asked by kids on two different occasions to buy them some cigarettes. Our friends told the kids no on each occasion. What does this isolated observation have to do with the tobacco industry? he tobacco industry has continued to market their products to children throughout the nation, and they have even gone after kids in other nations.
What the tobacco industry has continued to do in regard to marketing cigarettes to kids is immoral, unethical and illegal. his paper…. The tobacco industry has been forced to look abroad to sell the majority of their cigarettes and third world countries may be perfect targets. These countries already consume more tobacco than the developed countries. In , the Tobacco giants together sued Thailand in General Agreement and Tariffs and Trade court to reduce their tobacco tariffs. Tobacco companies were working feverishly to maintain their profitability but they are clearly going about it through an unethical marketing effort. We all know that how a product is marketed can make a huge difference in sales. When advertising stopped for a year, cigarette sales fell 4.
tobacco companies' marketing strategies. Everyone hears about the United States' trade surplus. But not many people ever hear that the United States has become the largest exporter of tobacco products in the world. Our tobacco companies have been chastised because they not only sell a product they know is harmful; they boost the very properties that make the product bad when selling abroad. In other words, they sell cigarettes with tar levels that are higher than the products sold in the United States. The worst part of this is that their marketing strategy is directed at women and children in countries that never had high levels of smokers.
There have to be alternatives to this approach of selling high tar laced cigarettes in third world nations to women and children. It just sounds wrong because it is wrong. Like alcohol, tobacco use is prohibited by minors but permitted by adults. Also like alcohol, tobacco use is detrimental to the health of the user, except even more so. Whereas alcohol consumption generally benign and only acutely harmful when it is overused, tobacco use especially in the form of cigarettes is extremely dangerous for practically all users.
This is simply a function of the fact that "typical" use of tobacco entails physical addiction to nicotine, its primary active ingredient. For this reason, it is very rare for smokers to use tobacco too infrequently to become chronic daily users In contrast, most alcohol users do not partake so often that it compromises their physical health. The dramatic long-term medical consequences of long-term tobacco use are universal as well as predictable; in fact, the medical community is united in the position that tobacco use causes more preventable illness and death than all…. References Brecher, E. Dershowitz, a. Warning Labels Not even 50 years ago, many people felt skeptical about the hazards of cigarette smoking.
Although increasing numbers of studies showed that some connection existed between tobacco and lung and heart ailments, questions still remained about the true effects on health. In , however, the United States Surgeon General Luther Terry confronted media reporters in a State Department auditorium for two hours and completely changed the course of history. For the first time, the American government made it official: Smoking causes lung cancer. How much of an impact did this warning and other warnings to come by the Surgeon General and additional interested parties in the future alter the numbers of people smoking nationwide?
The results are not too promising. After the Surgeon General's first announcement, there was an immediate reaction. When Americans heard the Surgeon…. References Cited Bowman, Lee. Geoffrey Fong. Grant to study Warning Labels. One clear opportunity is provided by emerging markets. he numbers of individuals who have greater levels of disposable incomes are increasing exponentially in the developing world. his represents a tremendous opportunity for corporations in the beverage and tobacco industry to tap into these emerging markets. Another opportunity for this industry can be thought of in terms of a localization initiative. here are growing concerns in industrialized nations which are centered on health issues. hus the beverage and tobacco industry stands the potential to innovate based on the consumer demands.
hey could create a diversified product portfolio that was catered to the needs of the specific market. hreats here are a growing number of potential threats that plague the beverage and…. There are a growing number of potential threats that plague the beverage and tobacco industry. The first is the trend that is emerging in many of the industry's primary markets which is that the consumers are becoming more health conscious. Thus consumer demand for tobacco products and unhealthy beverages that contain ingredients such as high fructose corn syrup are diminishing rapidly. Many consumers are dedicated to living more healthy lifestyles and as a consequence they are shunning products that are not consistent with this preference.
Another threat that is driven by consumer preference but represent an entirely different level of threat is that many health considerations are actually the subject of increasing regulations. For example, many cities have chosen to ban smoking from public spaces as well as prohibit unhealthy beverages being sold at places such as schools. Suppliers There are a countless number of manufactures and suppliers in this industry. Phillip Morris is one of the world's largest tobacco companies which name was officially rebranded in under a new name known as Atria. Atria also holds a significant stake in Kraft foods and also subsidiaries that operate in the wine industry.
PepsiCo is one of the largest food and beverage companies and the largest U. based firm in the industry. InBev is one of the largest alcoholic manufactures and distributors in the world and operates in over one hundred thirty different countries. It recently purchased Anheuser-Busch in which significantly increased the size of the operations. To complete the deal, the United States required that InBev quit importing certain brands of beers to the U. market so that InBev would meet anti-trust regulations. hile each of these studies has reported a cardioprotective effect of alcohol, they differ over which type of alcoholic beverage provides the greatest benefit" Overlooked in many of these studies, though, is the fact that some people who categorize themselves as being one type of drinker compared to another may engage in other activities that are unhealthy from the outset for instance, beer drinkers may be more likely to also be tobacco users while others may engage in a wide range of healthy behaviors for example, wine drinkers may not be smokers and may job or exercise regularly.
As McGregor and his colleagues emphasize, "One inherent difficulty within these studies is that in the general population, drinkers distinguished as primarily wine, beer or spirits drinkers tend to differ in other important aspects. If, for example, wine drinkers are found to be healthier, it may be the result of a…. Works Cited "Alcohol. drug free. Booth, Brenda M. Health Care -- Measurable Outcomes -- Tobacco Control Program n "outcome" is a planned and deliberate effect of a program. Programs ideally have short-term, intermediate and long-term outcomes leading to achievement of the program's stated goals. The California Tobacco Control Program CTCP is an excellent example of a program that has attained short-term, intermediate and long-term outcomes due to its aggressive, ambitious mission and efforts.
Given the measurable outcomes of the CTCP program, it is understandably a guiding force for tobacco control programs in other states and countries. Body: The Measurable Outcomes that Would be Representative of the California Tobacco Control Program n important aspect of any health-related program resides in its outcomes. Simply put, an "outcome"…. An important aspect of any health-related program resides in its outcomes. Simply put, an "outcome" is a planned and deliberate effect of the program MacDonald, et al. Well-planned programs typically have short-term, intermediate and long-term outcomes that ideally lead to achievement of the program's stated goals.
A short-term outcome is typically an immediate effect of a program, usually focusing on the target population's desired gains in attitudes, knowledge and skills because of the program. Some examples of short-term outcomes for a tobacco control program might include: the public's greater awareness of the harms of environmental tobacco smoke; the public's greater understanding of valid reasons for bans on smoking in public places; and business owners' more positive reactions to smoking bans in places of business MacDonald, et al. An intermediate outcome normally involves a more established change in behavior, norms and policies.
Some examples of intermediate outcomes for a tobacco control program are voluntary clean air policies and voluntary bans on smoking in public places MacDonald, et al. A long-term outcome is typically achieved over a period of years. Examples of long-term outcomes for a tobacco control program are: a decrease in the use of tobacco; a decrease in tobacco-related illness; and a decrease in tobacco-related deaths MacDonald, et al. Though tobacco control programs may differ in some specific approaches, their short-term, intermediate and long-term outcomes are often similar or even identical.
With that ambitious mission in mind, CTCP developed the core strategy of changing social norms California Department of Public Health, n. and long-term goals of: empowering health agencies to promote health and quality of life by giving leadership and research advocating the appropriate social norms creating a tobacco-free environment; halting illegal tobacco sales to California youth; combatting the aggressive marketing employed by the tobacco industry; assisting people in permanent smoking cessation programs California Department of Public Health, n. Given the ardent mission and long history of the CTCP, it has achieved numerous measurable short-term, intermediate and long-term outcomes, though the program has operated so successfully for such a long time that many of the cited outcomes are long-term.
The CTCP's measurable outcomes, whether short-term, intermediate or long-term, are so numerable that it they could not be listed in a short paper. However, several measurable outcomes are obvious. For example, through data collection and evaluation, researchers have found. FDI- BAT "FDI in a Developing Country: Case of British American Tobacco" examines the particularities of British American Tobacco's long, and complex, history in India. The article traces the company from its origins as the result of a merger between a major American tobacco company and a major British tobacco company in all the way up to present times. In addition to providing a seemingly comprehensive detailing of the mergers, acquisitions, and other changes in ownership, leadership, and revenue that have marked the company's history, including that within India, the article highlights some characteristics of British American Tobacco and its actions in India that distinguish the company from many others involved in foreign direct investment in a developing country.
One of these was the decision by company leadership to align the company's business interests with the professed national interests of India and its government. The second distinguishing characteristic relates…. Reference List Nayak, Amar K. Business Ethics Janet should not really have a moral dilemma here -- she already knows she can't take the job. The dilemma is presented in a couple of ways. The first is the argument that Janet needs employment, and this job can give her the employment that she needs, and she must weigh this against her own convictions.
In fact, that is not quite accurate in terms of framing. First, there are strict laws regarding the marketing of tobacco products to youth. The FDA is tasked with developing and enforcing these laws, as of in the Tobacco Control Act NIH, , and that includes a minimum legal age of 18 for the purchase of tobacco products, and a variety of restrictions on the promotion of tobacco products, including smokeless tobacco, to youth NIH, If the company is marketing to year-olds, then it is violating both the letter and….
FDI in a Developing Country Case of British American obacco Globalization is a reality. Partnerships between international companies and international governments are fairly routine in today's marketplace. In many ways, this trend in business began from the ashes of colonization. Amar K. Nayak's journal article, "FDI in a Developing Country Case of British American obacco" demonstrates part of the history of today's global economy by tracing the chronological development of the British American obacco BA company's involvement in India. his article provides a comprehensive overview of BA's history, which is heavily rooted in the development of the international tobacco and cigarette industry. he company's initial expansion from Britain to India occurred in the early part of the 20th century during the epoch in which the British colonized the latter country.
his development would ultimately prove to tremendously benefit BA, as its developments in India greatly assisted the British company in…. The British company's involvement with its Indian expansion was not entirely seamless. BAT had to demonstrate a cultural sensitivity to the needs of its Indian counterparts by slowly, systematically removing the majority of its employees from the Indian branches of its business. Eventually this move would pay off, as BAT was able to greatly increase its profits by diversifying the company into its subsidiary, ITC. Actually, the relationship between BAT and ITC was somewhat symbiotic in the sense that it allowed for greater business diversification and entry into more markets for BAT, and enabled India to modernize and to industrialize in a way that would not have been possible without some form of outside assistance.
It is quite clear that the primary boon of BAT's involvement in India was the legacy of companies it engendered, some of the most lucrative of which it is a mere partner in. Yet one particular aspect o the history of BAT that the author of this article alluded to, yet did not specifically address has to do with the issue of ownership of the conglomeration that BAT spawned through its activity on India's soil. Nayak's article takes great pains to emphasize BAT's dominance over its subsidiaries, which lasted until the middle of the 20th century. Yet the author offers relatively no explanation for the transition of ownership from BAT to ITC that was solidified in He simply states that this occurrence happened, leaving the reader curious as to what was responsible for such a significant transition.
In fact, the significant reduction in equity that BAT possesses in what essentially was its scion, ITC, serves to underscore this confusion on the part of th reader. The article would have been better served by explaining what factors were responsible for such a change. Still, the overall strength of this particular article is its comprehensive nature. It manages to chronicle the rise and expansion of a company for more than years. In attempting to do so, the author may not have provided as many details as readers may have wanted. Still, in relating the history of that long of a time period, is not always space to cover every aspect of a company's history as thoroughly as one may have if one were simply writing about a particular aspect of a company's history.
Additionally, the article does well to depict the cultural differences that BAT had to take account for in order to eventually continue to grow as a company in India. CVS enames Itself CVS Health as it Ends Sale of Tobacco Products 1 Who are the major winners and losers in this story? Why do you think so? There is a mix of winners and losers in this story and some parties could be considered both. For example, CVS is gaining a lot of support for its new focus on health, but it also does so at the expense of revenues. The video mentions that CVS's revenue will decrease from the organization stopping the sale of tobacco products at its retail chains. The consumers could also be considered both winners and losers. The video mentions one individual who states that he will simply have to walk across the street to buy his cigars.
However, other tobacco customers could be more significantly inconvenienced and have to travel further to buy tobacco products. However, depending on the perspective, some would argue that…. References Boughton, J. Reflecting on the history of smoking cessation. Tobacco Education and Outreach Specialist DUTIES egularly reviews published peer-reviewed literature on the health impacts of tobacco use and addiction, and writes blog posts and news articles based on this data. Designs and implements outreach programs for varying demographics, focusing on smoking prevention as well as smoking cessation. Investigates local tobacco retailers and ensures compliance with tobacco control legislation. Issues warning letters accordingly when tobacco vendors have been shown to violate tobacco control legislation.
Provides, when necessary, testimony in courtrooms for tobacco-related lawsuits. Creates comprehensive tobacco education programs for the corporate sector, with the goal of helping organizations become tobacco-free environments. Works closely with local health care organizations including private clinics and hospitals, to promote tobacco education services. Work or internship experience in a public health organization. Strong verbal and written communication skills. References "Community Outreach Specialist Careers," n. Careers in Public Health. The impact of human resources management practices on turnover, productivity, and corporate financial performance.