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Family stories essay

Family stories essay

Family stories essay is very important that they all list to each other and understand every member. Boston: Wadsworth. Short Story: The Perfect Family Words 2 Pages. Essays Essays FlashCards. She is originally from Guatemala and he is from the mid-west of the U.

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Think back to past gatherings of your family, either around the table with your parent s or on a visit to a relative for a holiday. In every family there are stories told of past events: the time when your father was a boy and accidentally put a sling-shotted rock through the evil neighbor's window; or grandpa's story of walking ten miles through snow and ice to get to school; family stories essay the time when, as a young girl, you put your kittens in the washing machine to clean them! The type of story you want to focus on is one that is told often. It comes out of your own family's oral tradition. Here's how to get started on this essay follow these steps exactly :. Firstjot down briefly a number of these type of stories you remember.

For example: tuna fish story, grandma's "wee beastie" story, dad's slingshot story. Nextchoose one of these stories to work on for the moment. Freewrite on the story for about ten minutes, trying family stories essay retell the whole thing as you recall it. By "freewrite" I mean to write without stopping for ten minutes. Thirdget a blank sheet of paper and list as many details, impressions, and phrases as you can recall. Also list details that family stories essay remember from the actually telling of the story such as where you have heard it before, when it's told, and who family stories essay it. Some of these details of the story may need to be filled in by your imagination since you perhaps were not there when the story happened. Just get as much stuff down about the story as you can; don't worry about any sort of order.

Last of allretell the story as fully and completely, family stories essay, and as entertainingly, as you can. Be as descriptive as you canand include dialogue where needed. Imagine that your audience is your peers as well as your family and the original storyteller, and that your purpose is to get the original storyteller to nod their head and say, "yea, that's it, you told it just right, family stories essay. Note: If using a story from your family does not work for whatever reason, you can use a story from among your friends. The one criteria is it is a story that is "told often. As we drive along listening to the pitter-patter splat of the rain on the windshield, I stare family stories essay my watch dreading each minute that passes as we proceed along IH Fifteen minutes remain until we reach our destination, family stories essay is Aunt Mona's house.

I stare out the car window and watch the blue sky quickly becoming amber as the sun begins to set over the horizon. It is seven o'clock as we reach the gates of Fort Sam Houston. I begin to wish that we would turn around and go home, but we proceed, as always, checking our seat belts as we enter the black iron gates of the Fort. My anxiety reaches its peak as we round Artillery Post Loop, and I inhale a deep breath to calm myself. There it is: a huge red brick, family stories essay, two-story, nineteenth century house that is rumored to be haunted by a ghost named Alex.

It is Aunt Mona's house. It is absolutely too late to turn back now. I'm forced to attend family stories essay Garcia family get together. As I open the car door, family stories essay, I hear my mom ask, "Where's the invitation? You see, the Garcia's have a family tradition they each share and pass on which is to be "fashionably late" to every family get together. My mom after thirty-five years of marriage to a prompt Martinez has given up on that family tradition. The clock on the fireplace indicates that it is P. I step into the hallway and begin to mumble a hundred or so, "I'm fines," to every cousin, aunt and uncle who steps through the doorway.

Once everyone has arrived, we gather into the family stories essay room and the old family tales are dredged up and retold. My uncle Mac begins the story telling with a childhood memory from his days of picking cotton on the ranch, family stories essay. As the laughter drifts upward and disintegrates as it hits the ceiling, the room falls silent with anticipation--who will begin the next story? My earlier feeling of dread returns, and I inwardly plead with mom to tell about the time my brother, Bobby, and my cousin, family stories essay, Ralph, set fire to my parents '62 Chevrolet. My mother's voice fades as I remember back to that day, while she continues telling the story. My dad and my brother had to stay and take care of me because mom was working late. Bobby was hungry so he asked me to make tuna sandwiches for ourselves, and I agreed.

I went into the kitchen pantry and rummaged around until I found a can. I can still hear the pop of the tuna can as it met the can opener. The soft whir-whir of the can opener and the smell of tuna drifting in the air, and I hear my brother say, "Hmm-hmm that smells good. When family stories essay returned from work, she asked if we had eaten anything. My dad told her about the sandwiches I had made them. Mom looked at us puzzled and asked, "What tuna? I was brought out of my daydream to hear my mom say, "It was cat food! I tried to protest over the roar of laughter, but to no avail. Soon I was forgotten, and the laughter turned to a few chuckles as the room slowly fell silent in expectation, and the story-telling resumed.

Interview them about their life, and probe for old stories about them or your ancestors, family stories essay. Find a gem of a story and tell it for your "Family Story. The Power of Description Description Examples. Sentence Structure and Punctuation Bedford Guide for College Writers Resources Read chpt 41on Punctuation Read chpt. Other Family Story Examples Obama's Family Story Revising the Family Story. English Home © Lennie Irvin Assignment Calendar. Writing Guides. Family Story Essay: Topic Think back to past gatherings of your family, either around the table with your parent s or on a visit to a relative for a holiday. Here's how to get started on this essay follow these steps exactly : Firstjot down briefly a number of these type of stories you remember.

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Wetchler Eds. Binghamton, NY U. Expressive functioning is related to communication such as emotional, verbal, and nonverbal communication, problem solving and roles within the family. Beliefs within the family are also a part of expressive functioning. For the purpose of the Calgary Family Assessment Model, a family is defined as who they say they are. It is very important that the clinician performing the assessment not assign their own beliefs upon what he or she believes a family is, and take into account what the patient feels about family as to the patient is may mean not only the people who actually live within the household but can also address past, present and future emotional attachments.

Calgary Family Intervention Model: The immediate family is composed of Mr. Herbert Schelley the patient , Mrs. Annette Schelley his wife , and their son Thomas Schelley. The extended family consists of the Schelley's two married daughters, their husbands and their…. Reference: Brownwald H. Clin Cornerstone. The impact of using a low-literacy patient education tool on process measures of diabetes care in a minority population J. Natl Med Assoc. History of Multi-Cultural America Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America - Ronald Takaki What was the result of the Supreme Court Lone Wolf Decision and the Burke Act?

The Lone Wolf Decision came about partly in response to a law passed by Congress in That law "accelerated the transfer of lands from Indians to whites," according to Takaki The provisions of the law required that those who inherited the land must sell all allotted lands at public auctions - once the original owners had passed away. Basically, this meant that unless an Indian had the money to purchase their own family lands, they would lose what had been their property. The President Theodore Roosevelt was informed that this new law would ensure that all Indian lands will pass into the hands of settlers within a short few years.

But, notwithstanding this injustice, when Chief…. One can see that the tumultuous times following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor were "dark" times in more ways than one. First, the fear and loathing generated against Japan by the sneak attack on Hawaii was nearly universal and immediate among the American population. And secondly, it is a dark time indeed in American history when pure paranoia is the motivation for "interring" e. Even so-called responsible media members such as the LA Times behaved with racist spite; "A viper is nonetheless a viper wherever the egg is hatched," the Times editorialized.

Discuss the effect of the Executive Order on the U. labor force. The NAACP statement was responding to the fact that a many blacks felt that they didn't really enjoy all the fruits of democracy in American anyway, so why would they shed their blood to "save democracy" from the Nazis; and b while fighting for the U. In WWII blacks were in general assigned to segregated units because, according to the War Department, "social relationships" between blacks and whites had "been established through custom and habit.

When FDR instituted Executive Order , it in effect allowed over a million blacks to take jobs in the defense industry during the war. But more than that, it set in motion the movement of many blacks from the South to better paying jobs in the industrial north. Monitoring father's health through standard vital sign and other appropriate tests will…. It offers a good theory as it emphasizes on the production and export of those items for which a country possesses a comparative advantage. Furthermore, through its focus on the reduction of taxes and tariffs in international trade and the adherent practices, the theory of comparative costs has set the basis for the contemporaneous processes of market liberalization and globalization. But the theory has not been spared from criticism.

Oumar Bouare states that "the market price of a commodity does not converge toward its natural price. Then the outcome of complete specialization in icardo's framework locks third world and developing countries out of industrialization; and free trade could destroy the industrial base of a country, which in the long run could generate more wealth for the country than an imported product. This might also lock the country out of industrialization. References Bancroft, S. This was racism at its worst. The enslaved Africans and the native Indians began to get closer to each other, and started to share certain ethic traditions between themselves, and soon, they started to marry each other, especially because of the disproportionate number of African males to females.

A number of red-black people began to emerge from these unions, and these people formed traditions of their own. However, slavery continued to flourish and all these people were technically termed slaves. Having decided to take maters into their own hands to protest against the indignities being perpetrated against them in the name of slavery, Africans, Cherokees or Native Americans, and also Irish workers put up small acts of resistance and revolutions. References Ainslie, Ricardo; Brabeck, Kalina. Race Murder and Community Trauma: Psychoanalysis and Ethnography in Exploring the Impact of the Killing of James Byrd in Jasper, Texas.

Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society. Perceptions of Racism on Campus. College Student Journal. The Perception of Racism in ambiguous scenarios. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. Accessed on 28 June, This could also impact time limits on other benefits that do not necessarily relate to unwed mothers and their children. Poor families who rely on benefits to help them survive while the breadwinner is not employed, for example, could also be subject to time limits to encourage them to search for work. In both cases, the challenge that recipients face is to find some stability for themselves and their families within the limited time that they receive benefits.

Young women may then find themselves wtihin relationships that are not beneficial to them or their children, where resentment builds up as a result of a sense of forced marriage and family life. In terms of employment, poor families may be caught in the cycle of poverty by being forced to accept lower paying jobs to meet time limits and job requirements. In general, imposing time limits on benefits is ultimately not…. Famous Cattle Trails The Trail in fact aided in the collection of herds of cattle from San Antonio, Helena and Texana in the south and Uvalde, and also from Comanche and Fort Worth, from further north. From Fort Worth, the Chisolm Trail goes straight northwards, and crosses the ed iver at ed iver Station, and when it reaches the Indian Nation Territory, it passes through ush Springs, Kingfisher and Hennessy on through to Kansas.

In fact, what made this particular trail very important was the fact that along the route, there were present, three important cattle terminals, which were Wichita, Abilene, and Newton. Abilene was in fact one of the largest cow towns in Kansas, and it was a mere hamlet of twelve red roofed cabins in the year , which was the year when Joseph Mc Coy, a cattle dealer from Chicago, happened to arrive at Kansas. ecognizing the…. Accessed 7 August, Biodiversity and Conservation: a Hypertext Book by Peter J. A good example of this can be seen in the passage which says, "She gave him a photograph of a boy who was now five.

She said you stopped writing. I thought you were dead. He looked at the photograph of the boy who would grow up to look like him, who, although the man didn't know it would go to college, fall in love, out of love and become a famous writer. The way that love creates bonds for Leo is through observing his son from a distance and seeing him develop over the years. This occurs after Alma dies and he watches him become a famous writer. At the same time, Leo wants to receive the credit for writing a novel that was published. These events are showing how love creates…. Works Cited Krause, Nicole. The History of Love. New York: W. Norton, , Print. MLA Format. The company continues to plow its profits back into expanding the firm by opening new stores.

Family Dollar has chosen not to expand by acquisition. Family Dollar's primary business partners are its vendors. Merchandise suppliers work with Family Dollar to ensure a good selection of core products are on the store's shelves. The company also partners with construction firms to build its stores as it continues to expand its network. The company also partners with transportation companies to help with the logistics component of the business. Each of these back-end partners helps the company to achieve lower prices for its goods, while ensuring that Family Dollar can offer a range of goods that will appeal to the average buyer. In general, these strategic alliances appear to be successful.

Family Dollar is consistently profitable, which indicates that the objectives of these alliances are being met. Customers are attracted by the product…. Works Cited: Family Dollar. com website, various pages. aspx MSN Moneycentral. Family Dollar. MSN Moneycentral. Cheap Americans are here to stay. The dollar stores that deserver your bucks. Family Age Students With Learning Disabilities The impact of family motivation on college age students with learning disabilities may be a deciding factor in regard to the student's success or failure. College age students with learning disabilities obviously have more immediate needs in cooperative learning settings when compared to typical students. Educators cannot just tell the student to just sit-down and read five chapters of Freud.

When there are obvious underlying issues, the family, teachers and the students themselves have to work more closely together in order to reach the desired positive outcomes. Positive feedback is a major part of the Family Systems Theory process. Feedback in this case is a process in which the family, and possibly the teaching team involved, all work together to regulate the thinking process of the college age student with learning disabilities. This process also incorporates the notion that positive self-talk by the college age student with some form of learning disability is a necessary component of educational success. Self-talk helps them monitor their own output. In other words, the human body in this case accepts feedback from both internal and external sources to promote positive goals and objectives.

A good example of a positive feedback system is how an automatic pilot system is used in most commercial airplanes. The automatic pilot process provides a computer that is actually flying the plane constant feedback about required information regarding the planes speed, altitude, direction and so on. As the plane drifts off course slightly, the computer system realigns the flight path. The college age student with a learning disability also drifts off occurs from time to time and positive feedback from family members, teachers and counselors and the student themselves all help to get the student back on course. This approach continually promotes active coping efforts and attributes positive meaning to the learning situation. If the child is punished for small infractions of the rules and other children are not, this makes him feel that life is unfair, and makes him act in the ways that he is expected to act.

Formal labeling is manifest when teachers treat students labeled as gifted as brighter, which motivates the children to perform better on tests, or when students labeled as 'special education' or 'ESL' are assumed to be capable of less than other children. If less is expected of them, they will naturally perform at a lower standard. Module 4 Q5. Identify some of the factors that could lead to inept parenting in single parent family households. Even the best single parent faces considerable challenges. Single parent households tend to be less affluent economically, which automatically presents a difficulty in terms of ensuring that children have safe and healthy environments in which to live.

Single parents…. In fact, many studies show that deviant or antisocial children may experience a strengthening of the bonds between parents and society in the process of their development. Therefore, while social control theory is one view, there are many alternative theories that take other findings and variables into account. In general, the view that a deviant child who does not change by a certain age is "condemned "to a life of crime if sharply criticized, as it often does not concur with empirical findings.

Theories put forward by Gottfredson and Hirsch propose another view of the life-course towards crime that takes into account the fact that in many case early deviant behavior does not necessarily lead to a life-long pattern of criminal behavior. Question 4. Describe the labeling theory and the consequences that labeling can have on a child. Should we be concerned with labeling? Why or why not? In essence,…. References ACF Questions and Answers Support. cfm Crime Theories. Retrieved April 9, from NCWC. htm Overview of Labeling Theories. If objectivity is impossible, then looking at historical events from as many interpretations as possible provides a potential solution.

Cohen's embrace of folklore, and of piecing together a patchwork quilt of perspectives is useful in unpacking the influence of people outside of the ruling class, and exposing hidden influences upon Chinese history in terms of the impact of the religion of ordinary people, particularly women, denied an education or access to the centers of power. However, even for a historian outside of the field of East sian studies, Cohen's ideas are useful in terms of how to approach history, particularly historical events that have become especially fraught with meaning in modern culture, beyond their immediate impact. Cohen is most sure-footed when…. At times, while reading about some of the Boxer's actions and beliefs, particularly in terms of their point-of-view of ritual purity, such a perspective can be difficult to assume.

Their magic was therefore destroyed, and the misfortune extended [beyond the church]. On the basis of this [explanation], the families whose homes had been burned down didn't resent the Boxer bandits; they all cursed the woman. However, even for a historian outside of the field of East Asian studies, Cohen's ideas are useful in terms of how to approach history, particularly historical events that have become especially fraught with meaning in modern culture, beyond their immediate impact. Cohen is most sure-footed when navigating the territory of the recent past, where there are more concrete documents for him to deal with, in terms of how the Boxers were viewed, but his approach could be applied to events of the even farther, as well as the more recent past.

Paul Cohen, "History in Three Keys," New York: Columbia University Press, , p. The new powerful leader who emerged from that struggle starting in was Li Shimin. Some of the more notable accomplishments of Li Shimin involved restoring stable government, developing technological advances, and by utilizing the "free labor and military service of millions of peasants" he helped bring in enormous tax revenues to the point that the government was "more affluent than it had ever been. According to Ping Yao, writing in the peer-reviewed journal Nan Nu, Chinese Buddhism became "instrumental in the development of mothers' identity and in the conceptualization of ideal maternal virtues" Yao, , p.

By examining the epitaphs that are left from the Tang dynasty, Ping Yao has determined that children whose mothers were strong Buddhists mostly complied with their mothers'…. Yao, Ping. ir Cargo, Inc. only flew cargo from December, when Pearl Harbor was attacked through November, t that time, Siddiqi explains that individual airline companies authored their own freight services, and on page 2 the author of this article notes that in time the major passenger airlines began offering freight forwarding service and that pretty well eliminated the need for a whole fleet of airline companies that just forwarded freight Siddiqi. Only Flying Tiger stayed aloft as a strictly air freight company until the s when Federal Express entered the picture.

More on FedEx later in this paper. The Literature -- the History of ir Freight Transportation -- Berlin ir Lift When the long, bloody war was over it was time for the winning llies to divide up the territory that once was Nazi Germany, the negotiated, agreed-upon divisions gave the llies U. Wilde, Robert. History Naval Warfare What was naval power in the age of sail and how did different sea going states exercise it from the period ? What happens on the water…is just the scene-setter for the real action when the actors get where they are going. ut oceans, seas, and rivers have a history of their own, not merely as highways or boundaries but as central players in distinct stories of human interaction and exchange.

The author has mentioned the war history and war strategies of major navies and sailors during this era. The author has also discussed how different sea going states exercise…. BibliographyAmes, Glenn Joseph. Black, Jeremy. Boxer, C. Brewer, John. Charles King, "The Black Sea: A History" Oxford: Oxford University Press , 3. Diamond, Jared. Kennedy, Paul M. Krieger, Pearson, M. Merchants and Rulers in Gujarat: The Response to the Portuguese in the Sixteenth Century. Berkeley: University of California Press, Timothy Brook, The Confusions of Pleasure: Commerce and Culture in Ming China Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, , Warren I.

Cohen East Asia at the Center: Four Thousand Years of Engagement with the World New York: Columbia University Press, , For this purpose the author analyzed main sea powers during this period i. The author concluded that sea power was the main source of authority for any country. The courtiers with powerful fleet ships and navy were dominant in the world. Mostly the countries having command on sea used this dominance to expand trade. There are also evidences of unfair means to occupy other countries as well to maintain this occupation.

The author also discussed how the British Royal Navy used impressments system to forcefully include the seaman in the Royal Navy. History Of Human Services When the Kalamazoo Foundation began in , the welfare state in the U. was minimal, and on the federal level almost nonexistent. Problems of poverty, hunger, racism, unemployment, and inadequate education were largely left to the start and local levels to be dealt with by private charities and religious organizations. This only changed with the expansion of the federal safety net during the New Deal of the s and the Great Society of the s, although it has been contracting again over the last thirty years.

During the Progressive Era of and into the next decade, civic-minded philanthropists and capitalists often took the lead in dealing with the social and economic problems of urban, industrial America, among them Dr. Upjohn, founder of Upjohn Pharmaceuticals. The Lifeline Initiative. aspx Miller-Adams, M. The Power of a Promise: Education and Economic Revival in Kalamazoo. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research. Rakstis, T. First paleolithing "petroglyphs" and written symbols. This is important in the history of communication because it marks the first time humans left a recorded form of communication. Also, these written symbols became the ultimate source of later alphabets. Wikipedia, "Petroglyph. Cave paintings at Lascaux show early representational art.

This is important in the history of communication because the caves depict over figures, including abstract symbols. More recent research suggests these may record astronomical information. OURCE: Wikipedia, "Lascaux. First surviving umerian pictograms demonstrate a primitive form of record keeping. This is important in the history of communication because pictograms, together with ideograms, represent a primitive form of writing, in which a symbol either means what it looks like, or represents a single idea. OURCE: Wikipedia, "Pictogram. Hubbins, David and Tufnel, Nigel. Thompson, Hunter S. Hell's Angels. New York: Modern Library, and, that do to so would contradict Judeo-Christian values of morality Wilson, Additionally, opponents of the death penalty note that there is no evidence that lethal punishment has any effect whatsoever on whether or not criminals will commit a murder; and, that retribution here does not help to bring about closure.

ather, it perpetuates the underlying violence and had a tendency to bring about more anger as opposed to peace. In the words of Jesuit Priest and Community Professor, aymond a. Schroth, S. Thus, capital punishment as a means to provide retribution for families fails to take into consideration the immense toll that the process of putting another human being puts another under. In addition to the foregoing reasons against capital punishment, a review of the implementation of…. References America's Tug of War over Sanctioned Death. Retrieved from Random House. Banks, Cyndi. Punishment in America. Contemporary World Issues. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO. Banner, Stuart.

The Death Penalty: An American History. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP. Budziszewski, J. Capital punishment: The case for justice. Journal of Government and Philosophy. Retrieved from University of Texas at Austin. long their existence, the spirited drinks were designated as medicine, recreational drinks for pastime, means of social control, and due to the high degree of addiction that set in as soon as they moderation went out of the way, a source of distress for those who became addictive and their families. Rum, the first to replace the ratios of beer of the British ships and the main ingredient in the first cocktail, became the favorite drink of the English settlers who came to Virginia hoping to find a new source of wealth for them and their country.

The second cocktail based on rum came on the tables of the Englishmen in the New World, under the form of punch. After centuries of using the spirits as a trade currency and means of alleviating during hard time, at the beginning of the twentieth century, the United States came to a stage when a movement that started by the middle of the nineteenth century will spread and end in the Prohibition era, with the Eighteenth Amendment to the U. Health and religious reasons had led more and more people to believe that the only answer to the loss of moderation was to ban the production and consumption of alcoholic beverages altogether.

Today, the period of fourteen years when the Eighteen Amendment was in use, is regarded as e period of experimentation that proved once again that any interdiction attracts the rise of illegal activities meant to work around it. Standage, Tom. A History of the World in Six Glasses. Walker Publishing Company. New York Drink: The History of Alcohol The National Archives. Retrieved: Oct. Anyone can virtually make wine out of grapes. The quality of the grapes is the first and most important feature in the wine production and only after that are there other factors involved that influence the final product. Standage considers the first distinction between Eastern and Western thught and civilization closely linked to the attitude the two cultures from two opposite regions of the globe had when it came to wine consuming.

While Greeks drank wine at formal parties, making it more a part of a ritual destined to loosen tongues and relax while sharpening the minds and setting imagination loose, the Persians, mostly drank beer as a part of their nourishment and even when they drank wine, it was not for intellectual purposes of for the pleasure of savoring it, but more as a display of wealth and power, as it was the case mentioned before. Based on such…. Like, beer, the wine was nourishment, the beverage for feasts, celebrations and intellectual gatherings, but also an element of religious rituals and even medicine.

As alcoholic beverage on the table of the poor and rich alike it is still praised for its benefits just as it is blamed for the destruction of families and the perversion of whole societies that fell its victim. It is, of course, not the wine, but the human nature, subject to greed and sometimes the victim of its own inability to keep moderation in sight at all times. New York McGovern, P. Ancient Wine: the Search for the Origins of Viniculture. Princeton University Press. Princeton Historical Timeline. Georgian Spring. A Magnum Journal. Retrieved; Oct 18, The mistake occurred when enthusiasts tried to use those data for other purposes such as 'strategic product decisions.

References Anthony, R. Management accounting: a personal history. Journal of Management Accounting Research, 15, Black, T. Are physical capacity constraints relevant? Australian Journal of Management, 24 2 , Cooper R. Measure costs right: Make the right decision. CPA Journal, Cortada, J. The digital hand: How computers changed the work of American manufacturing, transportation, and retail industries. New York: Oxford University Press. The company is now considered the second largest automaker in the world. Within one year after its inception, the company brought well-known brands under its name such as Cadillac, Cartercar and Pontiac. The company was originally owned by William Durant but excessive debt cost him the ownership in when the bank took it over. My anxiety reaches its peak as we round Artillery Post Loop, and I inhale a deep breath to calm myself.

There it is: a huge red brick, two-story, nineteenth century house that is rumored to be haunted by a ghost named Alex. It is Aunt Mona's house. It is absolutely too late to turn back now. I'm forced to attend another Garcia family get together. As I open the car door, I hear my mom ask, "Where's the invitation? You see, the Garcia's have a family tradition they each share and pass on which is to be "fashionably late" to every family get together. My mom after thirty-five years of marriage to a prompt Martinez has given up on that family tradition. The clock on the fireplace indicates that it is P. I step into the hallway and begin to mumble a hundred or so, "I'm fines," to every cousin, aunt and uncle who steps through the doorway.

Once everyone has arrived, we gather into the living room and the old family tales are dredged up and retold. My uncle Mac begins the story telling with a childhood memory from his days of picking cotton on the ranch. As the laughter drifts upward and disintegrates as it hits the ceiling, the room falls silent with anticipation--who will begin the next story? My earlier feeling of dread returns, and I inwardly plead with mom to tell about the time my brother, Bobby, and my cousin, Ralph, set fire to my parents '62 Chevrolet. My mother's voice fades as I remember back to that day, while she continues telling the story. My dad and my brother had to stay and take care of me because mom was working late. Bobby was hungry so he asked me to make tuna sandwiches for ourselves, and I agreed.

I went into the kitchen pantry and rummaged around until I found a can. I can still hear the pop of the tuna can as it met the can opener. The soft whir-whir of the can opener and the smell of tuna drifting in the air, and I hear my brother say, "Hmm-hmm that smells good. The only reason that I finally went into the classroom is because my mom walked in with me, and promised me that as soon as school was out, she'd be there waiting for me, ready to bring me back to where I felt most comfortable, my family. Luckily, I'm a little more grown up now; I can go into school by myself, and in a couple of years, when I go away to college, I'll really have to go to school by myself.

There will be no one who I will know at college. Of course I know I'll make friends, but none of them will mean as much to me as my family does. However, I don't know exactly what I'll miss most about my family. I know that I'll miss Continue reading this essay Continue reading. Toggle navigation MegaEssays. Saved Essays. Topics in Paper.

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