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Parenting styles essay

Parenting styles essay

When I know we will have to leave soon, I always let her know that we will be leaving in a couple of minutes. Moreover, parenting styles essay, harmonious parenting styles help achieve a harmonious household. They have no experience dealing with stress and do not know how to do it when they really need to start living on their own. Generally, uninvolved parents are those who are too involved in their own lives to respond appropriately to their children, while permissive parents are warm and nurturing but allow their children to regulate their own lives. Gale Encyclopedia of Children's Health: Infancy through Adolescence. Finally, Boothroyd suggests that because the authors of PCI do not provide guidance on how parents are defined, the assessment may not be appropriate for families parenting styles essay a parenting structure other than two biological parents.


Parenting is a stage of life that comes about when one gets children to bring up. It is natural and there are no parenting styles essay or rules to parenting as people just learn about it as they go. Though there are many ideas on how to bring up children some will be individual based, others from their own parents while others will adopt ideas from their friends. Parenting styles can be described as the ways parents use to parent their children Aunola et al Psychologists have therefore established three different parenting styles that are used by parents either with or without their consent, parenting styles essay.

The parenting styles, permissive, authoritative and authoritarian are usually based on the communication parenting styles essay, disciplinary strategies as well as warmth and nurture. This paper is therefore an in-depth analysis of the three basic parenting styles used by most parents. Being permissive entirely means not being strict. This style of parenting is where the parents let their children to make decisions on their own. Most of the control is left in the hands of the children themselves, though the parenting styles essay come in to make a few rules if any. Nevertheless, the rules made by the parents are not meant to tie down the children and are thus not consistently enforced Then 1. Parents using this parenting style usually want to make their children to feel free.

Therefore, this parenting style is characterised by a lot of affection and warmth as the children are not subject to punishment no matter what they do, parenting styles essay. The good thing about this style is the fact that communication is always open and parents are able to discuss anything with their children. This parenting style has been described to be not the best as children require proper guidance as they grow and being left to choose what they want on their own could make them make the wrong decision which could affect their entire life. However, parenting styles essay, children who are critical thinkers may grow up being good decision makers as they have been exposed to such conditions before. This is the opposite of the permissive style of leadership. In this style the parents set up clear-cut rules and guidelines which are deemed to be followed by the children, parenting styles essay.

The parents therefore expect their children to obey them or else get punished. Nurturing is very rare in this leadership as the children are rarely left free. The parents tell their children what to do and make decisions on their behalf without explaining to them Then 1. Parents using this style tend to focus more on the negatives rather than the positives such that a child who fails in school or wrongs is severely punished or scolded while the one who has exemplary passed is rarely praised. The children who grow up under this parenting style do not learn to think and do things on their own thus find it very difficult to make decisions later in life.

This parenting style is mostly applicable to children who are very stubborn and need to be closely monitored, parenting styles essay. This parenting style is also referred to as the democratic style as parents help their children to learn about themselves, being responsible for themselves and their behavioural consequences Iannelli 1. This style is described as the best as it is a blend between permissive and authoritarian parenting styles. Parents using this style using set the necessary rules and enforces them while taking each situation as it comes. The democratic parents usually want to make their children understand why they are being punished because of unacceptable behaviour or breaking up of rules. It is because of this reason that punishment is usually discussed with the children before being implemented.

As a matter of fact, parenting styles essay, parents and children work hand in hand thus ensuring that the children respect their parents while the parents do not oppress their children as parenting styles essay. Conflicts under this parenting are handled in a reasonable manner without hurting either party. The parenting styles discussed above are applicable depending on the views people hold for each. Each of the three parenting styles has its own merits and demerits. In the permissive parenting style the parents have adequate time to do what they would wish to do since they are not constantly monitoring the children Spera 2.

Chances of separation in such a family are very high since people develop their own different lives. In the authoritarian parenting styles children tend to be very respectful thus parents have low levels of stress. The democratic style on the other hand is very involving for the parents as they have to be on toes and talking with their children to keep the unity of the family. Aunola, K. and, Stattin, Parenting styles essay. Iannelli, Vincent. Parenting Styles, parenting styles essay. Spera, C. Educational Psychology Review, 17, 2, June. Then, Joseph. Three Basic Parenting styles essay Styles. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. The Three Parenting Styles.

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Literature Review: The Literature Review conducted hereafter will be divided into an array of subsections intended to illuminate the relationship between parenting styles and special education achievements for special needs children. It is imperative before proceeding to a broader literature review synthesis, to consider some basic context for the present discussion. Namely, we initiate with a reflection on the formative implications of childhood. Regardless of whether one is…. In early childhood, parental influence is overarching. Moreover, parents may exhibit different attitudes and beliefs regarding their female children than their male children to reflect different gender norms about eating behaviors, etiquette, and body image.

However, the results were only true for mothers with children of normal weight. Interestingly, mothers who had boy or girl children who were either underweight or overweight did not exhibit…. References Parletta, N n. The role of parents and schools in promoting healthy dietary behaviors. Schreiber, A. Why do mothers encourage their children to control their weight? A cross-sectional study of possible contributing factors. BMC Public Health, 14 , Parenting styles vary, and include authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and harmonious styles. All of these styles are relatively common, varying depending on culture and individual differences. Television shows reveal different parenting styles. For example, on the sitcom Modern Family, different parenting styles are evident.

Gloria is occasionally authoritarian in her approach, but otherwise the parenting style evident in all the three different family units is harmonious. Harmonious parenting styles are superior to authoritarian, authoritative, permissive styles in that they prepare the child for healthy social relationships with others. Moreover, harmonious parenting styles help achieve a harmonious household. Harmonious parenting styles create win-win scenarios as shown in the video explaining the different styles of parenting. When the child wants something, and the parents also want to enforce some rules of conduct, a conflict may ensue. An authoritarian parent will lay down the law, refusing to give into any of the child's requests. At the same time, authoritative parents use discipline judiciously.

Unlike authoritative parents, permissive parents shy away from discipline. They are overly indulgent to their child's whims. Permissive parents tolerate a wide range of behaviors that would not be tolerated by either authoritarian or authoritative parents. Although permissive parents can be emotionally nurturing, they often erect barriers to parent-child communication because of not paying closer attention to the developmental and maturation needs of the child. Authoritative parents do not show much warmth toward their children. They can be unresponsive and emotionally detached, demanding a "be seen, not heard" environment.

Discipline is heavy-handed but unlike authoritative parents, authoritarian parents do not explain their punishments or communicate with their children. However, they do not coddle their children like permissive parents do and do not tolerate emotional outbursts. The effect of parenting style on self-esteem has been widely studied. Children who grow up in…. References Warash, B. Parental perceptions of parenting styles in relation to academic self-esteem of preschoolers. Adopting Speial Needs Children When it omes to adoption, parenting styles for speial needs hildren is really no different. There are hundreds and thousands of hildren that are urrently living in the foster are system that are put into the group of "Speial Needs" waiting for a household to support and love them.

The word speial need promptly brings to mind the idea of a hild with inability, in adoption terms the word inludes a larger sense. The word speial needs relating to adoption basially is saying that a hild that is hard to plae by the state adoption agenies or adoption unit. Most of these hildren do not have muh health or temperament issues; they are just measured "hard to position" by a lot of adoption organizations. The hoies of ages for hildren that are in this group are from babies all the way up to the age of…. cited in Gray, on the subject of parents with high functioning autism or Asperger's syndrome shows how parents cope with their child's disability.

The mother and the father each draws from different resources to cope with how they react toward their child. Furthermore, the research has shown that coping strategies varies for women and men. Parenting Styles There are a few different parenting styles, named by Matsumoto as authoritarian, permissive, uninvolved, and authoritative. Generally, uninvolved parents are those who are too involved in their own lives to respond appropriately to their children, while permissive parents are warm and nurturing but allow their children to regulate their own lives. Authoritative parents are those that are firm, fair and reasonable. Authoritarian parents, by contrast, are those who demand unquestioned obedience, viewing the child as something to be controlled Matsumoto, Chapter 3.

Within each style, the parents behave differently and this influences the child in different ways. The uninvolved parents have minimal interaction with the child. Often, this leaves the child with minimal enculturation as they have few adults from whom to learn. Such children end up being demanding and noncompliant. The children of permissive parents are often immature -- by setting their own boundaries they end no…. Parenting styles have been correlated with the degree and frequency of alcohol use in college age students that is what the next sentence is for!

In particular, there has been a clear association between parental monitoring and less drinking among teens Beck et al. Parenting Styles and their Effect on Children Behavior Different Parenting Styles This research paper is based on Baumrind's theory of parenting and covers the impact and consequences of different parenting styles on children's development extensively. Four parenting styles named authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved are discussed in detail. This paper also discusses parenting style of Canada, Japan and China in contrast with Baumrind's theory of parenting. All the impacts and influences on parenting style are deeply studied and discussed.

Early years of learning in a child's life is believed to make a significant difference in the way they develop and go on to learn throughout their lives Kim, Developmental psychologists have been making research about the role played by parents and its impact on child development. However, developing a cause-and-effect link between parents behavior and brought up and its impact on child behavior and attitude is a relatively tough…. References Golombok, S. Parenting: What Really Counts? new york: Routledge. Kim, M. Parental Involvement, Family Processes, and Parenting Styles of First Generation Korean parents on early childhood education.

New York: Umi. Nevid, J. Psychology: Concepts and Applications. New York: wadsworth. Pressley, M. Child And Adolescent Development for Educators. New York: Guilford Publications. Correlation of Alcoholism to Parenting Styles Correlation of Parenting Styles to Alcohol Drinking Frequency in the Brooklyn Modern Orthodox Jewish Community. Do the parenting styles in the Modern Orthodox Jewish community differentially correlate with self-reported alcohol use of Jewish College Freshmen males within the Orthodox Brooklyn Borough Park community ? In general, the four parenting styles have a significant correlation on the behavior and attitudes of youngsters in college Beck et al.

Further investigation is required to demonstrate how these parenting styles correlate with the population in the Borough Park Jewish community. Yang et al. Hence, there should be friendly and effective communication between parents and children in the growing ages of youth, since the children can seek advice from the parents in the process Yang et al. The child personality visibly gets affected by any of the parenting styles i. The level of influence however may vary. In severe cases, where the children are the victims of psychological stress at home based on a. There are many of these individuals, and it is time that this is changed.

Parents often look away from these kinds of problems, or they spend their time in denial of the issue because they feel that their child will not be harmed by parental involvement with drugs or alcohol. Parents are not the only ones that overlook this issue, though. Sometimes siblings and friends also see problems that they ignore, do not understand, or do not talk to anyone about, and the…. Bibliography Aleman-Padilla, L. Babies First gets last word on infant care Hundreds recognize groups contribution at fourth annual event. The Fresno Bee. Anderson, D. Funding cuts impact health services. Precinct Reporter. Anderson, S. How parental involvement makes a difference in reading achievement. Reading Improvement. Baker, P. I didn't know: discoveries and identity transformation of women addicts in treatment.

Journal of Drug Issues, 30, All toddlers engage in behaviors such as biting, hitting, screaming, or otherwise acting out. Such behaviors arise as a result of negative emotions. Parents often find these behaviors hard to deal with -- along with other children and other caregivers. The response by others in the children's world may be highly negative itself and may thus provoke additional negative feelings, which in turn provoke additional negative behaviors. This is a cycle that is bad for all concerned. Paulessen-Hoogeboom et al. However, they also found, such a parenting style ignores the underlying emotions and so is ineffective in…. References Clark, K. Connectedness and autonomy support in parent-child relationships: Links to children's socioemotional orientation and peer relationships.

Developmental Psychology, Kochanska, G. Inhibitory control as a contributor to conscience in childhood: From toddler to school age. Child Development, 68, Paulussen-Hoogeboom, M. etal Parenting style as a mediator between children's negative emotionality and problematic behavior in early childhood. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, , 3 , -- Parenting Because parenting is so very personal, I approached this essay with a lot of curiosity, and even some amount of concern over what the literature on the subject might reveal. I expected to find a number of high-minded platitudes and very little practical advice that would be useful in the day-to-day trenches of the parenting wars. I'm pleased to say how wrong I was.

The first thing I noticed was that in article after I article, they were filled with heartwarming supportive advice, almost all dos and almost no don'ts. The next thing I noticed was that all the articles acknowledged that these are very trying times in which to be a parent. The message was uniformly the same: expect to make some mistakes but be encouraged that it's well within one's reach to be a good parent. Seth Mullins makes the point that in today's world, we…. Works Cited Better Parenting. Dealing with modern parenting challenges. htm Gaikwad, M. Challenges in modern parenting styles. com website. html Mullins, S. The challenge of modern parenting. com Website. For example, Walker and Hennig add that, "It has frequently been found that children particularly boys in divorced, mother-custody families exhibit lower levels of well-being than children in intact families, with more externalizing and internalizing behavior problems and lower levels of cognitive and social competence" p.

My son is also currently at a formative period that has special significance for single-parents families. For instance, Walker and Hennig also point out that, "Single-mother families are often affectively charged, with high instrumental affection combined with high negativity and conflict, particularly in the transition to adolescence" , p. The "transition to adolescence" can be a rocky period in anyone's life, of course, and it is reasonable to expect my son to experience some problems in general and with me in particular during this transitional period. Fortunately, this challenging developmental period is eased somewhat as children grow into mid-adolescence.

As Walker and…. References Burns, A. Mother-headed families and why they have increased. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Crossman, S. Divorce, single parenting and child development. Journal of Psychology, 2 , Dynamism Between Parents and Children Of diverse interaction people have over the course of lifetime, the relationship between parent and child is the most important. Children's growth and development is greatly dependent relatively on the parental bond which exists between them. This bond provides the child with the framework on how they outlook themselves and the people around them. The tie will also determine how well they relate with their peers and the environment their whole lifespan. However the tie between the parents and children can be affected because of parents physical or mental state which may keep him or her to from avoiding relationship with their children.

Illness, depression, disorders, alcoholism and drugs addiction are also some of the factors the can make to difficult for the child and parent to relate with each other effectively. According to Cathy Meyer , divorce and conflict can disrupt the growth of…. References Amy Black Authoritative, Authoritarian and Permissive Parenting Types Retrieved April html Baby Care Help Exploring Different Types of Parenting Styles Retrieved April Parenting comes in al forms and ranges, just as different as individuals are. Fortunately, parents have today the possibility to get much better informed than they ever had before.

Not only has child psychology made huge progress over the last few decades, but widely available information related to child rearing as well as numerous testimonies from parents themselves has made the parenting task easier, but also more complex at the same time. As people become better informed, society becomes more competitive. Parents tend to put more pressure on themselves in order to prove they are better parents, fit for this new global age of information and their children sometimes suffer the consequences. While some things have tremendously changed, especially since women have started going to work more often than they used to do before the second half of the twentieth century, some things are remained the same.

This is visible…. Oftentimes, parenting styles overlap. The overprotective parent will also have tendencies of being over-controlling. For them to be able to keep their sons and daughters out of danger, they need to constantly interfere, know everything there is to know in order to make decisions for them. The chances for such children to rebel and take the wrong decision in order to escape parental despotism are high. Or, children could act up as if they are accepting their parents' terms only to lead double lives, completely opposed to what they pretend they are actually doing in front of their parents.

These are only two of the dangers of overprotectiveness through over control methods. Children raised this way are likely to be miserable later in life. Child psychologists are inclined to think now that the first years in a child life are crucial to a person's development. That is why parents are encouraged to get involved at pay attention to their children even from the very early stages in the latter's development. This does not equal, of course, excess of anxiety and over control that are likely to flood over the later stages of their children's lives. It means taking parenting as serious as it gets in order to be able to prepare one's children for living their lives the way they should, with equal opportunities of actually building healthy relationships themselves.

Society will be thankful to those parents who will be able to recognize their mistakes and willing to correct them. Boundaries with Kids: How Healthy Choices Grow Healthy Children. Loving Your Child Too Much: Raise Your Kids Without Overindulging, Overprotecting or Overcontrolling. Thomas Nelson. Finally, Boothroyd suggests that because the authors of PCI do not provide guidance on how parents are defined, the assessment may not be appropriate for families with a parenting structure other than two biological parents. It seems that while the PCI is considered a valid and reliable assessment for some populations, further study should be conducted with a more diverse norming sample.

eferences Coffman, J. eliability and validity of the parent-child relationship inventory PCI : Evidence from a longitudinal cross-informant investigation. Psychological Assessment, 18 2 , Parent-child relationship inventory Western Psychological Services, Wilshire Blvd. eview of instruments assessing parenting competencies used in child custody evaluations. CO; Schroeder, V. Associations between family environment,…. References Coffman, J. Reliability and validity of the parent-child relationship inventory PCRI : Evidence from a longitudinal cross-informant investigation. Review of instruments assessing parenting competencies used in child custody evaluations. Associations between family environment, parenting practices, and executive functioning of children with and without ADHD.

More Care Giving to Babies: One of the biggest advantages of co sleeping is increase in breast feeding McKenna, ; Richard et al. This is admitted even by the most conventional American Academy of Pediatrics AAP that co-sleeping has the most advantage of breast feeding. According to the research, mothers who co-sleep breast feed an average of twice as long as non-co-sleeping mothers. Moreover, the act of sucking in breast feeding increases oxygen flow, which is useful for both baby's growth and immune functions McKenna, In addition, co-sleeping infants also get more notice and protective care. The studies have shown that mothers who co-sleep provides five times the number of care like as adjusting the baby's blanket, stroking or cuddling as compared to those mothers who were non-co sleepers Mosko, Long-Term Benefits of Co- Sleeping in Children as adults Higher self-esteem: Those boys who co-slept with their….

Works Cited La Leche League International, Inc. The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding. Schaumberg, IL: Author Davies, L. Babies Co-sleeping with Parents. Midwives: Official Journal of the Royal Heinig, M. Bed sharing and infant mortality: Guilt by association? Journal of Human. Thus, such research could also generate results which point to the truths of human words and actions of parents that contribute to healthy and unhealthy relationships with alcohol. In this case, these findings would not be as the result of numbers, but would be as the result of uncovered viewpoints and perspectives verbalized by the participants. Potential Questions: Which parenting style authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, uninvolved in the Jewish community Ashkanas, Hasidic, Sfardy connects most strongly with college freshman alcohol abuse and alcohol maturity?

How do offspring's perspectives on their parents' parenting styles impact their relationship with alcohol as it manifests during college years in the Jewish community? How do parenting styles characterized by warmth and attentiveness impact children's consumption of alcohol in the college years in the Jewish community? How do parenting styles characterized by high expectations, structure and rigidity impact children's relationship to alcohol during college years…. References Balter, L. Parenthood in America: An Encyclopedia, Volume 1. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO. Benson, J. San Diego: Academic Press. Cohen, D.

Parenting Styles, Adolescent Substance Use, and Academic Achievement. Journal of Drug Education, Houghton, E. Learning About Drinking. Philadelphia: Psychology Press. They do not believe in the capability of the growing child to make his or her own decisions. In short, instead of parenting and mothering, they are smothering the child. As children grow up, this fear-centered thinking is imbibed into their personality, making them equally afraid of certain things and experiences. They grow up to be socially incompetent and immature individuals who do not know what to do without their parents and who always fear new experiences.

Letting Go In this changing world, parents have to adapt their parenting style in order to raise children who can be globally competitive. We do not want them to be labelled as wimps, right? Encouraging our children to experience new things and explore their world is a smart parenting style. Yes, we have the authority over them and we need to establish boundaries, but these limitations should not include all activities that have…. Neurotically concerned about his child's intellectual future, Nathan has their daughter in every activity from karate to early math and reading. His daughter and her accomplishments have become the center of his universe, to the detriment of his relationship with his wife.

it's difficult to tell if Nathan sees his daughter as a person, or an object to be shown off and compared to others' children. Gil's sister Helen is the single parent of a year-old daughter and a year-old son. Her husband has left her for another woman and she has her hands full as her daughter has eloped and her son never speaks. Helen goes on with the family acting as though nothing has happened, while her anger over her husband's departure is a wall that has gone up between her and her children - it is literally the elephant in the room.

Ultimately, all the stories in…. On the other side of the scale is the mom that takes a more relaxed approach to parenting. They rely on the fact that when the baby is hungry, the baby will let them know. When the baby is sleepy, they will let them know that too. The parenting books may be dog-eared here and there, but none of them have been read from cover to cover. The nursery decor is a mix of the patterns, fabrics, and toys that they found cute, but don't necessarily match. Then again, it's entirely possible that the baby doesn't even sleep in the nursery, but in the rocker or bed with mom when they both finally fell asleep.

This method has its ups and downs as well. Even though there is no strict schedule, mom might still feel a little frazzled since they are always on the lookout for signs that the baby…. Recall that when we consider all children, we find that the food insecurity rates are significantly lower for children living with married stepparents than for children with cohabiting parents or single-mother families. The share of lower-income children who are food-insecure declined by 4. Food insecurity rates fell for lower-income children living with married parents, married stepparents, and single mothers but went up for children with cohabiting parents, although none of these changes are statistically significant. According to Sari Friedman, attorney, children still need both parents even after the divorce and the parents should both continue involvement in the child health education and welfare taking an active role.

In December 1,…. Bibliography Effects of Fatherlessness U. Parenting Skills and Early Placement of Children in Daycare Settings This paper presents a detailed discussion about daycare and the possible correlation between parenting skills and early placement of children in daycare settings. The writer explores the effects of daycare on children as well as the parenting skill possibilities that lead a parent to place their child into an early day care setting. There were ten sources used to complete this paper. Since the women's movement took hold about four decades ago millions of children have been placed into daycare systems across the nation.

This movement has sparked huge debates on the impact of daycare on children including children who have been placed in their daycare settings at a very early age. Some focus has been on the parenting skills of those who place their children into daycare at an early age and whether or not the parenting skills or…. References Abril, David Stanford undergrad parents look for assistance. Author not available After-school childcare difficult. Dhooma, Rashida! THE NEW PARENT TRAP. Gun found in three-year-old's bag at daycare. Roper, from noticing that Jack had brought home a dog, because pets were not allowed in the building. Although this episode didn't revolve around the sexual tension in the house specifically, I couldn't help noticing the scanty outfits of the blonde Chrissy, and how unrealistically skimpy they seemed, for just lounging around the house on an ordinary day to be spent with one's friends.

Janet, the other woman, was clearly supposed to be 'the smart brunette,' and seemed like the less desirable of the two women because the camera and Jack's wandering eyes spent very little time focused on the other woman. Although the show was supposed to be revolutionary, the message was clear -- you could be dumb and blonde, or oridinary looking and smart if you were a woman. These two qualities couldn't mix. The plot, of 'no dogs allowed' seemed very conventional and unimaginative to me, and…. Works Cited No Children, no dogs. Three's Company DVD Season 1.

December 10, Family therapy believes that problems that the individuals evidence stem from the fact that problems occur within the family unit itself and that the family is divided into several component parts. To address these problems the therapist, as it were, therefore steps into the family unit, becomes "a part of it" and intervenes. His doing so not only enables him to see the family patterns from the inside; thereby understanding faults of fission but also enable him to practice therapy. Intervention in the family is called enactment. Enactment refers to the therapist encouraging acting of dysfunctional relationship patterns within the family therapy session and him acting out some of this behavior by actually entering the family unit.

The therapist thereby learns about the family's structure and interactional patterns and is able to interfere in the process by modifying some of the negative elements, pointing these out, intensifying positive elements, and…. The struggle with tradition and one's personal history comes to the forefront in two other family memoirs, Ayaan Hirsi Ali's Infidel and Maxine Hong Kingston's the Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts. In the case of the former, Ali is thrust into exile because of her unwillingness to conform to her parents' expectations of what is proper for a woman in her native culture. Maxine Hong Kingston experiences similar issues, although the consequences for her are far less extreme. In my analysis of the issues outlined above, I intend to show how all three writers transform the personal into the political, effectively establishing that the most minute, particular happenings in our lives can indeed have universal implications.

ibliography Ali, Ayaan Hirsi. Kingston, Maxine Hong. The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts. New York: Vintage ooks, Walls, Jeannette. Bibliography Ali, Ayaan Hirsi. New York: Vintage Books, The Glass Castle. New York: Scribner, Henry James's work is not only a book about bad parenting, as it is not a book about relationships. It is about a fragmented and decadent society where normal values, such as caring for your child and offering her a loving home, become relative. This relativism of values leaves the character without a norm and without intrinsic knowledge about doing what is right. Maisie's parents are not necessarily bad people in a complex meaning of the concept of "bad," just as Mrs.

Wix, no matter how much the reader gets attached to her because of the way she adores Maisie, is not a sublimely good person. At least, despite developing interesting characters, James's objective is not to define good and bad and categorize his characters accordingly. I believe his goal is to see what the characters are doing and how they are behaving in a particular societal context, namely that…. Bibliography 1. Sethi, Mira, Henry James's Most Affecting Portrait. Wall Street Journal 2. James, Henry, , What Maisie Knew. The Project Gutenberg 3. French, Philip, What Maisie Knew -- review. The Guardian. Last retrieved on November 1, Art supplies the vision, and the vision is important, but people must be willing to bring that vision to life.

Furthermore, people need to realize that they can bring about monumental change. To remind myself of that, I look to my own ancestors. I am African-American, and my ancestors were able to accomplish so much despite the overwhelming odds against them. If they could surmount the overwhelming odds against them, I feel it would be dishonorable for me to refuse to meet the challenges in my own life. That is why I have engaged in a series of projects that aim to have a direct and positive impact on the lives of the people around me. I had a talk show, "Closer to my Dreams" on WGIV I work at Youth Empowerment Solutions…. Parents and Fast Food What Drives Adults to Consume Fast Food with Their Children: TV, Toys, and Time Television advertisements play a role in deciding what we consume, and that marketing is geared toward children no less than it is toward adults.

McDonald's fast-food chain, for instance, gears an entire production line called the Happy Meal to children, who -- lured by the toys and tiny meals that are packaged together -- drive their parents to eat with them there Schlosser, This is one example of what drives parents to consume fast food with their children. The rationale for this study is to understand some of reasons why parents consume fast food with their children. Karen Campbell states that "it is likely that a child's eating behaviours are learnt in early childhood and that the home environment exerts substantial influence on the development of these behaviours Birch and…. Reference List Campbell, K.

Australian parents' views on their year-old children's food choices. Health Promotion International. Appetite Sanigorski, A. Association of key foods and beverages with obesity in Australian schoolchildren. Public Health Nutrition 10 2 : DOI: Parenting Styles: In psychology, parenting styles can be described as mental constructs that represent typical strategies used by parents in child rearing. Generally, many parents tend to develop their own strategies through a mixture of factors, which emerge over time as children move across various stages of life and develop their own personalities. In essence, parenting styles are influenced by the personalities of parents and children but are largely influenced by the parent's culture.

Parenting styles are associated with several theories and opinions on the most effective means of child rearing and the varying levels of time and initiatives parents are ready to invest in the process of child rearing. Notably, the investment of a parent in the growth and development of a child usually begins before birth. However, parenting styles are also determined by various principles that contribute to division of these strategies in different categories. Principles of Parenting…. Works Cited: Kopko, Kimberly. Cornell Cooperative Extension - Cornell University, PRANGE, MARK.

Mark Prange, n. Schnell, Christina. GlobalPost - International News, n. Vaccine and Austism Parents have every right to be concerned about their child's health and well- being and for this reason; it's not very hard to fathom why they got seriously worried over an important research study that established a link between MMR vaccine and autism. The research was not ordinary. It was published in one of the most prestigious medical journals of Britain, The Lancet, and was written by a well-respected name in the field, Dr. The research established a link between vaccine and autism after eight children had allegedly developed autism symptoms after MMR vaccine.

The research came out more than a decade ago and was soon followed by series of studies on the subject that mostly rejected the original finding and found no link between the vaccine and autism symptoms. Interestingly after so many rejections, British medical community got involved in discovering the veracity of claims…. Children aised by Same-Sex Parents have more Problems than Children aised by Different-Sex or Single Parents As more and more states legalize same-sex marriages, there is growing concerning among many proponents and critics alike about the effect that these civil unions will have on children. Although many children of same-sex unions are from previous heterosexual unions, adoption is also being used by growing numbers of same-sex partners and new reproductive technologies are providing lesbian couples with the ability to "father" their own children and surrogate mothers are available to gay couples if they have the financial resources.

Given the increasing numbers of children who are being raised in same-sex parent households, these are legitimate issues that require further examination to determine if popular thought that children raised by same-sex parents have more problems than children raised by different sex or even single parents. To this end, this paper provides a…. References Allen, D. An economic assessment of same-sex marriage laws. Crowl, A. A meta-analysis of developmental outcomes for children of same-sex and heterosexual parents. Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 4 3 , Somerville, M. Children's human rights and unlinking child-parent biological bonds with adoption, same-sex marriage and new reproductive technologies.

Journal of Family Studies, 13 2 , Overly Protective Parents All parents care about their children; about their education, food, security etc. But sometimes this concern can be transformed into something almost obsessive that compels some parents to constantly monitor every movement of their children and be over controlling. Some children of overprotective parents can end up being aggressive, but can also develop a withdrawn or anti-social personality. Such children also tend to be insecure, have low self-esteem because they never feel safe without their parents. They have no experience dealing with stress and do not know how to do it when they really need to start living on their own.

In this paper an introduction of overly protective parents is given discussing the reasons why some parents are over protective. Then the effects of over protection on children are discussed and then the counseling of such children is recommended. The Overly Protective Parents Introduction Overprotective parents…. References Clinton, T. Loving your child too much: Staying close to your kids without overprotecting, overindulging, or overcontrolling. Nashville, TN: Integrity Publishers. ISBN: Cloud, H. Boundaries with kids. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. Emler, N. Fletcher, A. And Williams-Wheeler, M. pdf 1. Would a "sponge"-style thinker, a "pan -- gold"-style thinker? Think times method thinking. Do prefer method? I sponge style tinker bust pan gold 2. Personally, in terms of critical thinking I most often tend to fall along the pattern of sponge-style thinking, but sometimes employ the pan-for-gold approach.

An illustrative recurring example of my absorbing a large amount of given information without questioning it, is when I read a particularly thrilling book, such as crime fiction. In this case, I choose to "drink in" the author's words, as they make me feel part of the story. However, at times I feel compelled to analyze the intake of information by asking questions designed to help me gain a better understanding. For instance, when a friend of mine launches in the account of a true story that happened to him, I listen carefully, make mental side-notes, and when…. Free access for students and teachers will be available at school and home at any time Charp, , p.

Schools have also been helped by funding from corporations of various types, many of which see the need for a workforce in the future that is fully adept at using the new information technology, or that has some stake in assuring that a well-trained public is developed. Students will be able to earn both a high school diploma, and an associate's degree or two years of college credit. The effort includes the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Ford Foundation and the W. Kellogg Foundation. Although widely accepted as a useful statistical tool, multiple regression and correlation analysis are fraught with dangers in estimating effect sizes when one uses a number of predictor variables in the linear equation.

For example, it is highly unlikely that a large number of naturally occurring predictors will be statistically independent. When two or more variables are relatively highly correlated, the statistical estimation method of squared error minimization used in multiple regression is incapable of sorting out their independent effects on the dependent variable. Conclusion Zangle is a system for providing information on student performance, assignments, and other matters to parents over the Internet, making it possible to keep this information flowing all year long and not simply during parent-teacher conferences. The intent is to enhance communication between teacher and parent and so to help change behavior and improve the performance of students, addressing problems as soon as they appear rather then waiting.

This is a proposal for research to test whether the system delivers on its promises and does improve student performance in those districts where it is currently in use. This is because they never get to decide what they want to do or what they think is right. This is a result from being afraid to make decisions in fear that if they make the wrong decision they will be yelled at are extremely punished for their choice in action. These children who are brought up this way will more often than not become extremely rebellious in their teenage years because they will resent the fact that they were not able to think and choose for themselves.

When a child turns into a teenager they begin to see things different. When you are suddenly as tall or taller than your parents that fear factor they had when you were younger starts to disappear so they believe that they can now disobey you because you can no longer bully them by using your size and weight to scare them. The biggest problem that I see with authoritarian parenting style is that they set the rules that need to be followed but never explain why they need to be. If you tell a child not to run around with sharp objects in their hands they will want to even more because they just think your trying to tell them what to and not to do. If you explain to them that running around with sharp objects in their hands could potentially harm them and you do not want to see them get hurt then the child would be more likely to follow that rule.

Authoritative parenting is believed to be the best type of parenting With the best outcome. Authoritative parents will listen to their children and encourage them to be independent. They are warm and nurturing parents. A big part of why this is such a read parenting style is because of the fact that they give their child options, choices and they explain everything. The consequences are always fair, explained and are consistent every time. When a child who was raised by and authoritative parents grows up they tend to be much happier. They can control their emotions and express themselves. They are socially accepted and also accepts others. They are confident in their abilities and are always open to learning new skills and confident when a new problem may arise.

This particular type or parenting works because the child has a role model to follow. The parent acts the exact way they expect their child to act. Am the youngest of three children. My parents raised my older brothers with an authoritarian approach and they do lack the self confidence. One of my brothers is twenty-eight and is still having a very difficult time with being respectful to those with authority. When my parents were raising me I an look back and realize that they raised me with and authoritative approach.

I am confident in myself and I always respect others around me even when they are not respectful towards me. Permissive parenting is the last type of parenting I mentioned. I believe that parents who use permissive type parenting were either raised in the permissive matter or were raised by an authoritarian approach. Permissive parents are often nurturing and warm towards their children. The child sees the parent more as a friend than an authority figure. The parent places very few expectations on the child and the should rules almost do not exist.

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