Due to our greediness and illegal human activities, the innocent lives of animals are lost. These days, paper bags are encouraged in place of plastic carry bags. Landfills change the aesthetic properties of the region. Please Help us to improve, Contact us, essay land pollution. Essay land pollution, over usage of pesticides and other chemical products contaminates the soil and degrades it. Here are some major steps can be taken to reduce land pollution. The waste material that does not get disposed off easily decays over time and begins to produce foul smell.
Essay on Land Pollution for Children and Students
We are very familiar with various types of pollution. We know a lot about air pollutionwater pollutionnoise pollution etc, essay land pollution. This is because these are the types of pollution that we face on a daily basis. We see the effects of these types of pollution in front of us. It is basic human tendency to believe what we see. But there are other types of pollution that we ought to be aware of. One of this has to be land pollution. What is land Pollution, what are the causes, what are the effects, what can we do about it, are just some of the questions that we have to ponder over when we think of it. In simpler terms, land pollution could be broadly defined as the contamination and deterioration of land quality by various factors.
The top layer of soil is the only layer capable of sustaining vegetation and plant life. Due to various natural and man-made factors, essay land pollution, this top layer of the soil gets corroded and essay land pollution. What makes the top layer capable of sustaining plant life is the nutrients present in the layer. These nutrients compliment and support plant life, essay land pollution. So when the top most layer of our lands corrode, plants are left malnourished and they wither away very easily. Land pollution is as old as others forms of pollution, essay land pollution, or we may say they are even older.
Since the time man began to use land for cultivation in an agrarian economy, the lands began to be exploited in uneven ways. At earlier times, exploitation was not large scale and even if it was, sustainability was not an issue. Unregulated and unprecedented use of irrigation techniques are one of the main reasons of land pollution. It is quite evident that the degree of land pollution greatly increased after essay land pollution Industrial Revolution. On one hand, rampant industrialization throws open many essay land pollution and helps overcome unemployment. At the same time the economic sphere of the country is bound to run on fast wheels due to industrialization.
But the side effects of urbanization, a result of rapid industrialization cannot be overlooked either. Just like many other forms of pollution, land pollution can also be attributed to pollutants, substances and contaminants that harm the environment. Effluents from factories, industries and residential essay land pollution, when not properly segregated and managed, find their ways into the soil, depositing tonnes of chemical waste into the earth, essay land pollution. These substances pollute the top layer, depriving it of essential nutrients required by vegetation to sustain.
Forests are being cut down mercilessly essay land pollution we see many concrete structures replacing these woods. This is done to accommodate large factories and residential blocks that humans build for essay land pollution purposes. Deforestation completely alters the land structure. The forest areas that once filled the green cover are now messed up in dry and fragile lands, essay land pollution, receiving very less or scanty rainfall and turning to arid zones. Once the fertile lands are converted to barren landscapes for the purpose of constructing buildings, it is totally an irreversible process wherein the occupied land can never be made fertile and nutrient rich again.
Nuclear plants are used to generate electricity, and it is a non-conventional source of energy. Though it does help reduce the exhaustion of conventional fuels, it has its own share of disadvantages. Since nuclear plants work on nuclear reactors generating large amounts of energy, they tend to produce waste in huge amounts. The unchecked use of plastics does terrible destruction to the land. Plastic is without doubt non-bio degradable, essay land pollution. Plastic essay land pollution in the form of carry bags and covers lie strewn on streets and in the midst of garbage piles. Not just that, the milk produced from such cows would also be expected to be kind of artificial milk that contains the toxicities of plastic and other such harmful substances.
This is the worst scenario and outcome of land pollution, essay land pollution. Nuclear radioactive wastes are harmful, they contain radioactive material and they have to be dumped underground, away from humans. This form of dumping takes away the radioactive dump away from human interaction but on the other hand pollutes the land from within, essay land pollution. Water pollution also affects the ground, since waste water containing harmful chemicals eventually seep into the earth. This again pollutes the top layer of soil. Land pollution ruins the soil, on which crops could have been planted. Not just man made reasons, even nature can sometimes contribute to land pollution.
In the event of a flood, tonnes of silt are deposited by excess water turning fertile lands into saline areas. It is impossible to grow crops on saline lands. Since humans dig humongous holes in the ground for mining, there is always a threat of a land slide or surrounding areas caving in with no proper support for the land to stay erect and strong. This endangers human life on a large scale as entire villages could be victims of a landslide or soil loosening could bring down huge establishments of huts and not-so-strong village houses. Some of the human activities completely change the land structure.
This could spell trouble for the atmosphere as it can cause drastic climatic changes. As more waste is produced, more lands are identified that could be converted into even beds for landfills. Landfills change the aesthetic properties of the region. In short, they are converted essay land pollution garbage dumping zones. As the land is deprived of its ability to produce crops, life is greatly affected as it could lead to famines and starvation on a wide scale. One of the basic things that we can do to prevent further pollution of the land is to spread awareness about it. We must try to convince people to use less plastic packaged items, essay land pollution, which would ultimately end up in garbage landfills, essay land pollution.
We must promote the use of more biodegradable materials and thus, do our part in saving the planet, essay land pollution. These days, paper bags are encouraged in place of plastic carry bags. The reason is paper can be recycled, if not, essay land pollution, it can be easily converted into its bio-degradable form. Rather than let the earth rot and essay land pollution with non-bio degradable constituents, we can thus find alternatives to toxic elements on earth. There can be suggestive alternatives that could well be implemented on a large scale to initiate a change in the right direction.
Also, garbage segregation at collection points, essay land pollution, at homes plays a good role in proper waste management and disposal methods. If we are able to segregate wet and dry wastes, essay land pollution, the collecting units would be easily helped in taking the right garbage out to the right place for dumping and disposal. Non- decomposable wastes or dry wastes could be treated separately. Throwing waste bits here and there, messing the streets with leftovers, etc. could only indicate a bad sign of our own ill-thinking and reflect our poor hygiene practices. We should teach the next generations to care for a green earth by first setting up an example ourselves. We should always lead by example. Land pollution is actually a composite of much pollution locked in one nutshell.
It may be a combined outcome of water and soil pollution, soil and essay land pollution pollution, or for that matter, land contamination alone too. Polluting our surroundings with whatever seems unwanted to human life has been the norm since ages and now a threshold has been reached, wherein actions have to be taken to correct all our wrong doings. Mother Nature has always been a provider, let us all show our concern for her and help save the earth from land pollution. Reader Interactions Comments thanks for your help your page is the bet really you helped me in writing essay.
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Land pollution is the next name of a great worry. It is increasing day by day because of the wrong human activities. Humans are making a great contribution to land pollution. Even after knowing that how effective it could be. Land pollution could really change heaven earth into a hell. It has a number of effects on the environment. Even it causes many diseases and sometimes leads to death. As land pollution is arising every day, everyone should need to be very responsible for reducing it. We need to reduce the use of plastics, metals, and toxic chemicals for our use. There are many alternatives available of these products we can use. Such as we can use paper bags instead of plastics. We can use natural manure and fertilizer in place of toxic chemicals for agriculture. But in any way, we have to reduce the land pollution from increasing more.
Or we are sure going to suffer from a great disaster. So, try to be cautious. Hope you knew all about the land pollution in this essay. We will be glad if you share your feedback on this essay. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Pollution Essay on Land Pollution Causes, Effects and Preventions March 12, No Comments 6 Mins Read. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Tumblr Email. Share Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Pinterest Email. Page Contents. The Cleanest Cities in the World in May 24, Essay on Environmental Pollution for Students in English May 22, Essay on Marine Pollution Causes, Effects, and Solution May 5, Essay on Pollution in Words for student and children April 23, Write A Comment Cancel Reply.
If the soil quality gets deteriorated due to such practices, the soil will become infertile and no crops could be grown in future. The government has launched various schemes over the years to fight pollution but individual efforts can also play a vital role. Start by replacing plastic bags for shopping with cloth bags, stop littering on roads and stop wasting water are some of the basic things to start with that can lead to big changes in the environment. One of the most critical threats faced by our planet in the present day scenario, Environmental pollution is a global issue affecting people around the world.
It is occurring in different forms, whether by affecting the air we breathe or the water resources we utilise for several purposes. Air pollution came into being with an increase in the level of carbon dioxide, with the increase in pollutants which are contaminating the air and causing breathing discomfort as well as skin diseases to human beings. Talking about the other aspect, there is no life without water. The water bodies are polluting and becoming unsafe for drinking or any other use because of industrial development, rapid urbanisation and various other reasons. Due to air pollution, diseases that can occur to human beings are asthma, various skin diseases, cancer, etc.
Therefore, it is the essential need of the hour to take serious steps to reduce pollution to its core. At a personal level, we can minimise environmental pollution by taking public transport or carpools to reduce vehicular smoke, avoiding firecrackers at festivals and celebrations can also cut down on air and noise pollution, not using fertilisers and pesticides which can cause both water and soil pollution, and switching over to organic farming. The government can also bring strict rules and regulations to lessen industrial pollution. To sum up, any type of pollution is harmful to the environment with serious consequences like global warming, uneven climatic changes, etc. Due to our greediness and illegal human activities, the innocent lives of animals are lost.
The time has come to join our hands and work towards preserving and protecting the environment for the present as well as future generations. Also Read: Essay on Environment: Examples and Tips. In your school exams, essay on Pollution will come in your English language paper. Environmental Science is a subject every school teaches so you can pick up some points from the chapters on Pollution and add it to your essay. Hence, we hope the blog that this blog has assisted you in comprehending what an essay on pollution must include. If you are struggling with your career choices and need expert guidance, our Leverage Edu mentors are here to guide you at any point of your academic and professional journey thus ensuring that you take informed steps towards your dream career.
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