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Most of the students in the nursing field tend to work while still in school. This gives them limited time to work on essay assignments, essays about nursing. As a subject, nursing is broad to cover, especially with new developments adjusted regularly. It is a sensitive topic with research well expressed and thus requires your full understanding. That is why we have our professionals to assist essays about nursing in writing your essay paper. They will provide the best topic that should lead to a satisfactory academic piece. To write a quality piece, you require to have great knowledge of the topic chosen.
You should rely on the topics you are entirely familiar with and fully understood from your nursing classes. Most of the students are passionate about doing nursing as a career but may find it easy to practice it other than learning it. We start by showing you your topics:. If you are still experiencing trouble finding the right nursing topic for your essay, we have you covered, essays about nursing. Count on our services to get helpful information for your paper, essays about nursing. We keep our promises, and here is a list of the topics that you can select from if you still are having issues:. Read more: How to Write a Good Nursing Essay. This is essays about nursing when you want to make the reader reason along with logic and see that diverse idea is more admissible than the other in the nursing topics.
The purpose is directing the person reading to see a different view and approve a convincing act. Below are samples of these nursing essay topics that can guide you through your selection:. These are debatable nursing topics that may arise in this field. That is why nursing students need to have a provocative paper with adequate research to support their treatment. These subjects are:. These types usually essays about nursing on a single event of the nurse or in the hospital that requires the student to describe a situation or an object which creates a written experience in given circumstances. Below are 10 different nursing essay titles:. In this matter, try to choose a nursing essay topic that is not too wide and does not use pure facts. However, the essay topic should be clear, and you should be very good at it.
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University of Illinois Press. Reflection Paper on the Collaborative Nurse-Client Relationship Introduction The collaborative nurse-client relationship CNCR is vitally important in achieving high quality of care in the field of nursing. However, as Feo, Rasmussen, Wiechula, Conroy and Kitson point out, developing these type of therapeutic relationship is not without its challenges. Putting the patient at the center of the care process and working with the patient so that the client takes ownership of his or her own care process and is involved in the decision-making process is the best way to ensure optimal care. Collaboration is a crucial concept in nursing Trautman, , and when it comes to developing the nurse-client relationship it is no less vital than it is when it comes to collaborating with other health care professionals.
References Burger, C. The Importance of the Nurse-Patient Relationship for Patient Care. Integrative Wellness for Patients Receiving Proton Therapy: A Patient-Centered Collaboration. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 24 , Feo, R. Developing effective and caring nurse-patient relationships. Holder, K. Watch your step: nursing and professional boundaries. Nursing Management, 38 2 , Mulder, B. Effective nurse communication with type 2 diabetes patients: a review. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 37 8 , Pullen Jr, R. Fostering therapeutic nurse-patient relationships. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy! Trautman, D. Collaboration: The key to healthcare transformation. However, with more and more primary care physicians leaving primary care for specialized medicine, there is a gap in care coverage.
That gap could be filled if advanced practice registered nurses APRNs were permitted to practice to the full extent of their education and training—but they are not. The Institute of Medicine IOM, recommends that they should and gives explicit steps on how that recommendation can come about. Advanced practice registered nurses should be able to practice to the full extent of their education and training. Background The field of nursing was originally promoted to help fill the gap…. References American Association of Nurse Practitioners.
Historical timeline. The future of nursing. pdf Mundinger, M. Advanced-practice nursing—good medicine for physicians? New England Journal of Medicine, , How nurse practitioners obtained provider status: Lessons for pharmacists. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 60 22 , Access to health services. html Szabo, L. Cost of not caring: Nowhere to go. A summary of the issue and the middle-range theory that could be used There has been a disturbing trend of both surplus and shortage of nurses at different times throughout the healthcare workforce history in the US.
There was a nursing shortage in the early parts of s Snavely, While there is already a moratorium regarding nursing shortage at the moment, the situation is likely to worsen in future because of a number of factors. Such an eventuality will lead to the nursing situation as…. References Auerbach, D. Will the RN workforce weather the retirement of the baby boomers? Medical Care, 53 10 , Cox, P. The American epidemic: The US nursing shortage and turnover problem. Grant, R. The US is running out of nurses. The Atlantic. Hughes, V. Leadership Strategies to Promote Nurse Retention. Sci J Nurs Pract. Jackson, J. Journal of Critical Care, 29 3 , — Maslow, A. A Theory of Human Motivation. Psychological Review, 50 4 , Motivation and personality.
New York: Harper and Row. Motivation and Personality. Applying Theory to a Practice Problem: Part 1: Introduction and Problem of Practice The problem of nurse burnout is one that impacts the nursing industry all over the globe. Researchers have identified the problem and its significance in the U. Nursing burnout can lead to higher costs for health care facilities, as burnout typically leads to higher turnover and higher turnover to the need for more training and expenditure on staffing. Nursing burnout can also impact care given to patients as it can result in compassion fatigue Henry, There are numerous indicators of burnout among nurses but how to address it and reduce the risk of burnout is still unclear Canadas-De la Fuente et al.
References Cañadas-De la Fuente, G. Risk factors and prevalence of burnout syndrome in the nursing profession. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 52 1 , Henry, B. Nursing burnout interventions: What is being done?. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 18 2 , Sadati, A. Health Sector Reform, Emotional Exhaustion, and Nursing Burnout: A Retrospective Panel Study in Iran. Journal of Nursing Research, 25 5 , Wang, S. Nurse burnout: personal and environmental factors as predictors. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 21 1 , Taking a Stand Leadership In nursing, one is bound to encounter a wide range of moral and ethical challenges.
This is more so the case given that as nurses, we often have to work with various kinds of people, often during challenging moments in their lives. All these people have personal expectations and demands. Trying to balance these demands and harmonize the various needs of those we come across could be a challenge. This is more so the case given that we also have to take into consideration the interests of other stakeholders in the entire care-giving equation. In the final analysis, this means that from time to time, we encounter situations that call upon us to reconcile our nursing profession duties and obligations with our personal or individual values. It should be noted that when it comes to navigating the ethical and moral minefield, the relevance of the nursing….
References Burman, M. Reporting Colleague Misconduct in Advanced Practice Nursing. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 1 4 , Mansbach, A. Reporting Misconduct of a Coworker to Protect a Patient: A Comparison between Experienced Nurses and Nursing Students. The Scientific World Journal, 4 8 , Maurits, E. Dealing with Professional Misconduct by Colleagues in Home Care: A Nationwide Survey among Nursing Staff. BMC Nursing, 15 9 , Smith, M. Encyclopedia of Nursing Education. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company. This is a regular aspect of qualitative studies: they do not seek to test a hypothesis or identify a correlation among variables but rather to better understand a phenomenon or gain insight into the subjective experience of a group.
Instead of statistical analysis being conducted, the qualitative study typically identifies themes or factors that can help researchers obtain more knowledge on what is most impactful regarding a specific issue. To collect data for the study, researchers conducted focus groups and interviews, which are common qualitative methods for collecting data because they provide opportunities that allow the participants to talk at length and give a great deal of information in their own terms so that…. References Allen, B. The effect of bullying on burnout in nurses: the moderating role of psychological detachment. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 71 2 , pdf Curtis, K. Translating research findings to clinical nursing practice. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26 , Dikko, M. Establishing construct validity and reliability: Pilot testing of a qualitative interview for research in Takaful Islamic insurance.
The Qualitative Report, 21 3 , Khamisa, N. Work related stress, burnout, job satisfaction and general health of nurses. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12 1 , Van Oostveen, C. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 52 8 , How Does the Nurse Protect the Image of the Profession during Care Delivery The nursing profession remains one of the most trusted vocations, and as a matter of fact, it has been rated as such several times in the past. It is, however, important to note that despite being a highly fulfilling job, nursing is also one of the most demanding occupations. Regardless, nurses ought to ensure that they not only play a central role in the promotion of health, but also work towards helping those under their care in the alleviation of suffering caused by illness.
References Epstein, B. The Nursing Code of Ethics. The four categories derived from the questionnaire are: Shared decision-making, Leadership and Safety, Well-being, and Professional development. The selected administration theories are: Innovation leadership, Transformational leadership, and Strategic leadership. The first category is Shared decision-making and goes well with strategic leadership. Are staff nurses involved in decision-making and all phases of projects that affect nursing, including quality processes? People within an organization must all take an active role regarding the decision-making process.
This especially rings true for complex decisions. Strategic leadership is an administration theory that suggests the ability for everyone to work together to initiate change. When looking at the theory, there is a…. References Amanchukwu, R. A Review of Leadership Theories, Principles and Styles and Their Relevance to Educational Management. Management, 5 1 , Morrill, R. Strategic leadership: Integrating strategy and leadership in colleges and universities. Northouse, P. Leadership: Theory and practice. Wang, V. Strategic leadership. Charlotte, NC: IAP, Information Age Publishing, Inc. Towards this end, some of my most prominent roles include, but they are not limited to, the evaluation of policy structures, processes, as well as outcomes.
Amongst other things, this ought to be geared towards the promotion of optimal resource allocation and advance better patient outcomes, while at the same time ensuring that the environment in which nurses serve is not only positive, but…. Self Development Leadership Plan: Overview Using self-assessment tools like the Strengths Finder and the Emotional Intelligence Tool, I have initiated the process of change that will enhance my leadership capacities. I learned through these tools my strengths and weaknesses, and this knowledge helped me to develop specific strategies for change. The strengths finder tool showed that I have great restorative strength; that I interact harmoniously with others and seek solutions through collaboration and mediation.
I also learned that one of my strengths is the ability to contextualize and analyze current situations based on based experiences and events. This is not the same as dwelling; this strength refers to the broad meta-analyses needed to understand a current problem. The past provides us with tools and lessons. Even when we dealt with a past situation poorly, we can learn from our mistakes and make different moves now. Another strength revealed in the…. References Cho, Y. College student motivation to lead in relation to basic psychological need satisfaction and leadership self-efficacy. Journal of College Student Development, 56 1 , Chollet, M. Exploring feedback strategies to improve public speaking: an interactive virtual audience framework. In Proceedings of the ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing pp.
Ren, S. Leadership self? development in C hina and V ietnam. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 52 1 , Shamir, B. In Leadership Now: Reflections on the Legacy of Boas Shamir pp. Emerald Publishing Limited. Seibert, S. Linking Developmental Experiences to Leader Effectiveness and Promotability: The Mediating Role of Leadership Self? Efficacy and Mentor Network. Personnel Psychology, 70 2 , There are two main components to…. ashx Environmental Protection Agency Human health risk assessment. Environmental Health. John Wiley. In essence, implicit as well as explicit biases are inclusive of the various associations made by a health care practitioner that could effectively result in the negative evaluation of an individual on the basis of a wide range of features including, but not limited to, gender, sexual orientation, and race Rosa, Numerous studies have in the past indicated that indeed, biases can impact outcomes in various nursing practice settings.
In one such study, FitzGerald and Hurst found out that there is sufficient evidence indicating that there are no significant differences between the bias levels exhibited by healthcare professionals and those exhibited by the general population. It is important to…. References FitzGerald, C. Implicit Bias in Healthcare Professionals: A Systematic Review. BMC Med Ethics, 18, Rosa, W. Nurses as Leaders: Evolutionary Visions of Leadership. The theory holds that three categories of variables are responsible for affecting the occurrence, intensity, timing, level of distress, and quality of symptoms: 1 physiological factors, 2 psychological factors, and 3 situational factors.
In doing so, the theory of unpleasant symptoms addresses the four concepts of nursing metaparadigm: person, environment, health, and nursing. This theory is especially useful in the emergency department ER , which is the current field in which I work. Background The background of the theory of unpleasant symptoms is situated in the need identified by…. References IOM. pdf E. Nurses info. htm Lee, S. An analysis and evaluation of the theory of unpleasant symptoms. Advances in Nursing Science, 40 1 , Lenz, E. Collaborative development of middle-range nursing theories: Toward a theory of unpleasant symptoms.
Advances in Nursing Science, 17 3 , The middle-range theory of unpleasant symptoms: an update. Advances in Nursing Science, 19 3 , Simulation gives nursing students the opportunity to engage with real world dynamics in a controlled environment where they can receive immediate feedback following their active learning experience. This curriculum is designed to engage students in the art of simulation, and to highlight the importance of realistic experiences in the learning process. Need for This Program Nguyen et al. This program has been developed to address this gap. Ortiz-Ruiz et al. References Beasley, S. Systematic Plan of Evaluation Part I: Assessment of End-of-Program Student Learning Outcomes.
Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 13 1 , Knowles, M. Andragogy in action. Munshi, F. Low-versus high-fidelity simulations in teaching and assessing clinical skills. Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences, 10 1 , Nguyen, H. An educational course including medical simulation for early goal-directed therapy and the severe sepsis resuscitation bundle: an evaluation for medical student training. Resuscitation, 80 6 , Nursing Theorists. html Ortiz-Ruiz, G. Simulation and Sepsis: What Is the Best Evidence?. In Sepsis pp. Springer, New York, NY. Terzioglu, F. Use of simulation in nursing education. Journal of Curriculum and Teaching, 2 1 : Why is Teamwork in Health Care Important?
Introduction Incivility is a problem in many nursing workplaces around the world and it is a problem because people from time to time forget what it is they are there to do. The nurse is there to serve the patient and to support other nurses in their duties to the patient. However, nurses can become unhappy, dissatisfied, angry and unfriendly. They can bully one another, neglect one another, and cause emotional harm in the workplace. Incivility can lead to declines in nursing quality care Lachman, This paper will define the issue of incivility, describe its importance to nursing, provide an example of it in a short story, explain how a healthful environment can be created, and, finally, discuss the practice application of this issue on nursing.
Issue of Incivility What is incivility? The American Nurses Association has defined it as a complex manifestation of disregard and insensitivity for…. References American Nurses Association. Professional issues panel on incivility, bullying, and workplace violence. pdf Bergum, S. Implementation and evaluation of a peer review process for advanced practice nurses in a university hospital setting. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 29 7 , Lachman, V. Urologic Nursing, 35 1 , 39— Manojlovich, M.
The effects of organizational culture on nursing professionalism: Implications for health resource planning. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research Archive, 33 4 , Stanton, C. Action needed to stop lateral violence in the perioperative setting. AORN journal, 5 , P7-P9. Title A well-written title serves two fundamental purposes in research. A clever title might not serve either of these purposes, which is why authors like Rejno, Nordin, Forsgren, et al opt for a straightforward and explicit title. In fact, the authors even point out…. References Andrade, C. How to write a good abstract for a scientific paper or conference presentation. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 53 2 : Greenhalgh, T.
How to read a paper: The basics of evidence-based medicine. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. Rejno, A. Nurse Education Today 50 : Health Information and Libraries Journal 30, pp. Learning Theory and Practice The humanistic theory of learning puts the recipient of the learning at the center of the learning process—i. The main advantages of humanistic theory are that: 1 it offers a learner-centered approach to learning that allows the needs of the individual learner to be front and center, and 2 it assists in the development of adequate motivation, relationship-building, communication, and self-efficacy Halstead, For example, a patient who is obese may need…. References Halstead, J. Nurse Educator Competencies: Creating an Evidence-Based Practice for Nurse Educators.
New York, NY: National League for Nursing. Rogers, C. Client-Centered Therapy. New York, NY: Houghton Mifflin. Labor unions are employee organizations established for safeguarding and promoting member interests. In most instances, union advocacy entails collective bargaining that aims to improve personnel working conditions, hours, benefits, and wages Full Beaker, I am a cardiac nurse employed at XYZ hospital. In my workplace, unions have a central part to play. Union involvement in our hospital system benefits nursing staff as well as the overall healthcare system. Not every nurse practitioner is an inborn leader or even wishes to be one; however, every nurse is capable of learning to…. Today, health care in the United States is characterized by growing demand combined with skyrocketing costs and critical shortages of qualified health care practitioners.
In response to these challenges, there has also been a growing consensus among health care providers that nurse practitioners possess the education, training and expertise that are required to provide high quality medical services for a wide array of disorders. Nevertheless, fewer than one-half of the states, the District of Columbia and the U. Department of Veterans Affairs only have granted nurse practitioners full practice authority, meaning that tens of millions of health care consumers across the country are being denied the full range of benefits that can be…. References Andregård, A. The tortuous journey of introducing the Nurse Practitioner as a new member of the healthcare team: a meta-synthesis.
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 29 1 , Carlson, K. NP practice authority grows - March update. Estes, C. Health policy: Crisis and reform 6th ed. Full practice authority. American Association of Nurse Practitioners. Kraus, E. Knowing your limits: A qualitative study of physician and nurse practitioner perspectives on NP independence in primary care. JGIM: Journal of General Internal Medicine, 32 3 , Poghosyan, L. Nurse practitioner autonomy and relationships with leadership affect teamwork in primary care practices: a cross-sectional survey. JGIM: Journal Of General Internal Medicine, 31 7 , Is it time to re-examine the doctor-nurse relationship since the introduction of the independent nurse prescriber?.
Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 35 2 , Jeffery, Borum and Englebright found that In order to review the healthiness of the schedule the unhealthy schedule practice will be converted into metrics. These metrics will be translated into dashboards for comparison over time and between different units. During my practicum, I observed that nurse schedules were almost static and unchanging despite the fact that at some point the facility would have intermittent high patient traffic. I interacted with several…. References Aickelin, U. An indirect genetic algorithm for a nurse-scheduling problem.
Computers and Operations Research, 31 5 , — Nurse Rostering problems - A bibliographic survey. European Journal of Operational Research. Healthy schedules, healthy nurses. American Nurse Today: Official Journal of Ana, American Nurses Association, American nurse today: official journal of ANA. Nursing administration handbook. Gaithersburg, Md: Aspen Publ. Communication Even Analysis This report is to reflect on a particular event that occurred during my placement at a general hospital. The placement afforded me a firsthand experience of the importance of communication skills in nursing practice. Effective communication is an essential component of medical practice which improves the quality of treatment given to patients.
It is an integral part of Hippocratic medicine, and it not only inspires a recovery-oriented medical practice but also establishes a trusting patient-care provider relationship. It is the best tool for calming an intense atmosphere in a healthcare environment, achieving the full cooperation of the patients, and aiding a rapid recovery. Such was my experience with a year-old psychiatrist-patient at the hospital where I had my placement. Jane was a widow, a mother of two children, ages ten and eight. Jane had irritability, restlessness, and some other symptoms of clinical…. References Chandra, S. Mohammadnezhad, M. and Ward, P. Trust and Communication in a DoctorPatient Relationship: A Literature Review. Journal of Healthcare Communications ISSN , 3, pdf Levett-Jones, T.
The Clinical Placement: An Essential Guide for Nursing Student. Churchill Livingstone Elsevier. Communication in Nursing Practice. Journal of the Academic of Medical Science of Bosnia and Herzegovina. doi: Clinical Psychomotor Skills: Assessment Tools for Nurses. Topic: Leadership Style - nursing Bring to mind a leader in your healthcare organization. Would you describe his or her style as authoritative, democratic, or laissez-faire? The leader within my organization carries a democratic leadership model. This is basically the case because the leader consists of a number of other individuals within the process of making decisions to find out what tasks to undertake and the way to get it done.
Nevertheless, the obligation and power to make the very last choice stays with the head. The leader reveals the issue to the team, asking for tips on how to resolve it. Right after listening to the group's points of views and recommendations, the leader helps make the final decision Civil Patrol Air. Furthermore, the democratic leader is extremely receptive and collegial in managing a group. My passion to become a nurse started in my childhood when I watched my mother work as a nurse. She built good relationships with her patients and she did all that she could in order to ensure they felt comfortable.
This informed my decision to choose nursing as a career because it will provide me with a challenging but rewarding work as well as stable work opportunities. I want to experience growth in my career and I am sure nursing will enable me to advance and specialize. This way, I will be able to continue challenging myself while providing the best possible care to my patients. When I was in middle school, I got involved in a car accident which saw me spend a week as an inpatient in hospital. I watched with awe how the nurses were committed to offering attention and care to the patients, me included.
Unlike the doctors who only appeared briefly during their daily rounds, the nurses were always there, ensuring that I was comfortable and on the right path to recovery. They made less scary and a little easier a situation that would have otherwise been a difficult one. I realized just how much nurses mean to their patients. From thence, I decided that I would also become a nurse and make a difference for my patients by helping them through the difficult period of illness. My decision to become a nurse was also informed by my desire to learn new things. As a nurse, I will have to keep challenging myself to keep abreast with medical training and trends.
This will ensure that I continue to care for my patients in the best possible manner. In my everyday practice in my workplace, I will learn at least something new from both my patients and colleagues. This will inspire me to continue exploring deeper knowledge of the procedures and techniques I apply on a daily basis. I thus consider nursing a rich field for personal learning and development. As I moved through my high school education, I realized that I possess some of the qualities that are needed for nursing. For example, I established that I am a good communicator who is both good at listening and providing feedback.
I realized this during group and class discussions during which I would lead discussions and respond to various questions from my fellow students satisfactorily. I believe a good nurse should be able to communicate effectively with their patients and explain things to them clearly both in a nontechnical and technical way. Further, I am a team worker. I would be no different from a square peg in a round hole if I found myself working in a profession where there is little or no teamwork. I particularly embrace working in a team because just like any other person, I can never be perfect in terms of skills and abilities. I will definitely need someone to complement my shortcomings and inadequacies in performing my job tasks. I thus further want to become a nurse so I may thrive in the teamwork aspect of a nursing environment.
I will highly be satisfied working with fellow healthcare professionals, including doctors and fellow nurses, in providing my patients with the best care possible. Finally, I have always wanted to pursue a fulfilling career and I believe nursing is one of them. By caring for people during their time of need on sickbeds, I will be able to get a gratifying feeling. I will be fulfilled knowing that I will be doing something great for humanity while also developing myself in the process. Service to humanity is service to God and sickness is one of the times that people need help the most. Therefore, becoming a nurse would be to live the dream of my life.
com is a leading academic writing service that is dedicated to providing extra support and help to students all over the world. Through our website, students can request for help in a diverse range of subjects and disciplines. What is my plan to increase my knowledge base? The information age has come crashing down on us from every possible angle in our lives, it affects how we communicate, how we educate, how we socialize and how we raise our children. Thus, why would nursing be immune to technology? These reasons. Delegation has been a very important element of nursing for some time now and has become more and more important over the years.
In this article, it goes over the reason for the sudden interest and importance of delegation as part of the nursing process. Delegating is one of the many nursing tasks that is sometimes neglected to be taught. In the article the Board of Nursing Examiners rule and regulations states. Nursing has always been a key career in the health care system. Although it is not often focused on in media and stories surrounding health care, nursing is a career of great importance. If any patient was asked about their experience at a hospital or a care center, many will mention the capability and care that they received from the nurses.
The health care system could not function efficiently, if at all, if nurses were not present to perform their part. Nurses are more than just physicians. There is a standard of care that every nurse should follow while being careful to not cross professional boundaries. There are many aspects of care nurses should strive to accomplish to stay professional. The most important of these aspects are to be civil, ethical, honest, forgiving, to be better than good, consistent, be an effective. nurses to enhance their nursing abilities by encouraging them to reflect on negative experiences, in order to overcome similar experiences in the future.
This essay will aim to demonstrate the importance of reflection within nursing, additionally providing me with a platform to reflect on my decision to become a nurse. I will begin by reflecting upon the factors that influenced me to choose nursing, followed by an explanation of the benefits that reflection has on nursing. The essay will conclude. Even nursing education institutions. The nursing shortage is a growing issue in the United States. The problem began in the s, as there was increased hospital use. Nursing shortage makes some of the hospitals to close the beds or hire temporary nurses, which is expensive with the aim of filling the gap and providing less optimal care to the patients Chan et al.
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